FOCUS LIFE ORIENTATION GRADE 11 CHAPTER 3 Careers and career choices
Types of qualifications Higher education. What does it mean? Universities Universities of Technology Comprehensive universities Colleges Private institutions The type of course you will study and the type of institution at which you will study will depend on:
…cont and types of qualifications Your interests Planned qualifications Gr 11 and12 marks Affordability Work and study, or only study? What are the differences between a higher certificate, a diploma and a Bachelor degree?
NQF You need one of these qualifications to be able to study further, that’s why it’s called Entry Level qualifications . NQF=National Qualifications Framework NQF on P.45. Write a definition for the NQF.
FET FET=Further Education and Training. FET Colleges Vocational focus (what does this mean?) Practical focus (what does this mean? Refer to Boland College’s slogan above) Focus on scarce skills and careers Links with the corporate world
FET (cont.) Provide opportunities for workplace experience. Look at the examples of study fields and courses on P. 46 (left column) How does Engineering at a FET college differ from the Engineering training at a university?
NSC: Promotion Requirements National Senior Certificate (matric certificate) Promotion(pass)requirements: One Official language (Home language level): 40% + Two other subjects: 40% + Three other subjects : 30% + You may fail one subject (less than 30%) provided that you have completed all school-based assessments!
APS, NSC subjects, minimum requirements APS=Admission Point Score Explain what a APS score is (P.47) and do Activity 2 on P.47 What are the differences between compulsory subjects , recognised subjects and designated subjects (P.47&48) Read through 1.5 and Table 6 on P.48 and do the Activity 4 at the top of P.49
NBT National benchmark test Some tertiary institutions (only universities up to now) require you to write NBT’s. It comprises of 2 tests, and depending on what you want to study, you need to write one or both tests. Test 1: AQL. Academics Quantitative and Academic Literacy Test which consists of:
Subsections of NBT: Academic Literacy Test (i.e. tests language) Quantitative Literacy Test (i.e. tests numeracy skills and mathematical literacy) Test 2: Mathematics Test (MAT). These results will be combined with your NSC results to determine if you meet the requirements for your intended course.
Admission requirements The requirements for all institutions, and even departments within the same institution, are different. Some institutions have selection courses, while other courses only require you to meet the minimum requirements (what is the difference between the two??). At other institutions , for example SU, all courses are now selection courses. Some institutions require that you write the NBT’s, while others don’t.
…admission requirements Some institutions only require certain marks or symbols for specific subjects. Other institutions make use of a point system, the APS. Some institutions / departments will include LOR in calculating the APS and others won’t. Some institutions will ask you to double the scores of the required subjects in calculating the total APS. Some institutions will ask you to double the scores of every language taken on Home language level.
…cont. and Finances Do Activity 5 on P.50. FINANCES: Make a summary with the following headings: Bursaries, FET college bursary scheme, Study loans, Scholarships and Learnerships & SETAs. Under the headings you need to describe what the type of financial assistance entails, but ALSO your obligations!
Finances: assignment i.e. you need to make a summary of P.51, 52 and the first half of P. 53 under the same headings and NOT separately like in the textbook! Do Activity 6 on P.54. Make a mindmap of the summary on P.55.