Sit with your random group! We will have a new seating chart later this week.
Powers of the Federal Government Collect Taxes The ability to collect money from citizens to help maintain the country. Create Army/Navy Be able to have a defense for our country Protect Borders and Ports of Entry (Protect Citizens) Make sure citizens are protected. Create Universal Healthcare Your government should care for all citizens and their health
Powers of the Federal Government Declare War The ability to go to war with another country. Regulate Business Make sure there are no monopolies and decide what is legal to be sold. Can bailout businesses if necessary Create Banks Create a national bank to house the money of the United States.
Collect Taxes Create Army/Navy Protect Borders and Ports of Entry (Protect Citizens) Create Universal Healthcare Declare War Regulate Business Create Banks
Oh, I forgot a few. You will have to add some powers You will be allowed to add an additional slot (5 powers total) However, you will HAVE to include the following powers in your government. Borrow money from the United States Create Post Offices Create Federal Courts
On to the next one State powers, yo.
10th amendment The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
In other words, any powers not in written for the federal government, belong to the states.
State Powers Collect Taxes Yes, this one again! Borrow money from the United States Wow, look at that! Education Plans The ability to create an education plan based on the state or region. Marriage and Drivers Licenses In order to get married or to get a car, you have to have a license. The state provides them for you.
States Powers Creating Public Transportation Citizens of states have a right to be able to travel other than walking or riding a bike. Fire Department Regulations Create the rules and regulations Firefighters have to follow Create Local Governments Too small of a job for the federal government
Federal and State Powers Collect Taxes Create Army/Navy Protect Borders and Ports of Entry (Protect Citizens) Create Universal Healthcare Declare War Regulate Business Create Banks Collect Taxes Borrow money from the United States Education Plans Marriage and Drivers Licenses Creating Public Transportation Fire Department Regulations Create Local Governments