Japan’s proposal for EPPR-16-09 (EPPR-16-09_OBD_GTR_India proposal_VehicleWarmup_Criteria.pptx) 11/May/ 2016 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE STANDARDS INTERNATIONALIZATION CENTER http://www.jasic.org
Section II - Text of the global technical regulation 3.20 3.20 “[warm-up cycle ” means sufficient vehicle operation such that the coolant temperature rises by at least 22 ºC from engine start-up to at least 70°C [or the lubrication oil temperature rises by at least [xx] ºC from engine start-up to at least [yy] °C. In the case of an air- cooled engine as alternative to the coolant temperature either the rise in temperature of the cylinder block or of the cylinder head surface may be selected]. India would like to propose that temperature measurement to be monitored during vehicle warm up condition shall be at spark plug seat instead of monitoring various temperatures like coolant, oil, cylinder head / cylinder surface for various configurations like air cooled, water cooled, oil cooled or dry/wet sump, etc. Monitoring spark plug seat temperature is an unique and standardized location for all above combinations without any hurdle for both manufacturer as well as for test authorities. Proposal from India to amend definition of warm up condition to include monitoring of spark plug temperature. Japan comment: Amendment 3.20 “warm-up cycle ” means sufficient vehicle operation such that the coolant temperature rises by at least 22 ºC from engine start-up to at least 70°C. In the case of an air-cooled engine and if the former method is insufficient to determine warm up cycle, temperatures may be reviewed to sufficient value or the signal used for determination may be switched to alternative signal monitored by ECU under permission of approval authority. Justification: As shown by India, definition of warm up condition defined in 3.20 is not always sufficient especially for air-cooled engine. Japan agrees to review temperature to adequate value or to switch signal for determination of Engine warm up. However, signal need to be monitored by ECU in order to erase DTC. Also, new definition of engine warm up need to be approved by authority to secure its validity.