Preparing for your PGCE year WWW.YORKSJ.AC.UK
Preparing for your PGCE year At York St John university we offer a range of PGCE programmes for secondary & primary teacher training. All programmes offer trainees the opportunity to study at M Level and gain 60 credits towards a Masters qualification.
The purpose of today’s workshop is: to prepare you for the academic rigour of studying at M Level to identify aspects of your writing that can be improved before you begin your programme to enable you to prepare/begin reading around areas of interest
Assessment at M level: A critical essay on planning for teaching, learning and assessment Research Project. A written literature review and methodology followed by a presentation at the PGCE conference where you will present your findings & recommendations
What studying at M level involves: clear evidence of wide and relevant reading the ability to synthesise key research taking a critical stance to your reading developing a structured discussion that offers contrasting viewpoints within your reading concise academic writing style independent thought
Programme learning outcomes at M level: Investigate and demonstrate critical awareness of their own values and educational philosophy and identify influences which may impact on effective learning and teaching Reflect on the synthesis of theory and practice to create learning opportunities which enhance children and young people’s learning Evaluate and select appropriate research processes and methodologies of educational enquiry to investigate an issue drawn from professional practice Design a piece of independent research that explores an educational issue, generating and critically analysing data to create new understanding that informs professional learning and future practice Interpret, compare and apply knowledge and understanding of pedagogy to plan, assess and critically evaluate learning and teaching in order to meet the needs of children/young people
Preparation Be honest about your current writing skills. Reflect on what you could improve as well as your strengths. Begin reading a range of texts on teaching, learning and assessment to support preparation for the essay Begin to think about an area of pedagogy that interests you that you might want to pursue for your research project. Start reading now. Your ideas still need to be very loose to allow for flexibility, but begin getting a feel for the current policy & research. Keep a log of your reading.
Outline of the Day 9:00 – 9:15 Welcome 9:15 – 11:40 Critical thinking and writing at M Level Richard Day – senior lecturer 11:40 – 12:00 Break – refreshments in the foyer 12:00 – 1:00 Academic sources and references Katherine Hughes – academic librarian 1:00 – 2:00 Lunch Disability drop in – Holgate reception 2:00 – 3:30 Critical reflection Ann Jones – senior lecturer 3:30 – 3:45 Close