Transforming Classroom Practice Texas School Improvement Conference October 2011
Anticipation/Reaction Guide The Skillful Leader (p.3) Agree Disagree 1. _____All students deserve excellent teachers. _____ 2. _____Good teaching makes a genuine difference in _____ the lives of students. 3. _____There are many excellent teachers to serve as _____ models. 4. _____There is research available to tell us almost _____ everything we need to know in order to provide competent, caring instruction for all children. 5. _____Some educators have built and sustained _____ cultures of high achievement even under the most difficult of circumstances.
What is TCP Transforming Classroom Practice (TCP) is a process designed to ... …energize instructional leaders to improve the impact their practice has on classroom practice and therefore on student learning by enhancing the skills of campus leaders to collect , display , discuss , and use classroom walkthrough data to prompt reflection.
TCP Design Implement “Chapter/Book Study” format led by facilitator Conduct in 90 minute sessions Customize campus protocol Support gathering of multiple data points Use a 3 strand focus Focus improving practice of “mediocre” teacher
Chapter/Book Studies Three books are used :
Project Organizaation Celebrations Expected outcomes Guiding Questions Text-Based Discussion Reflection Looking Ahead Flowchart Session Title Focus Preparation
Teacher Case Study Portfolio Components Table of Contents Campus Culture (Debilitating Beliefs, Unpromising Practices, etc.) Case Study Profile Walk-through Documentation Data Sources (Collections and Displays) Post Observation Protocols (Reflective Questions, etc.) Evidence of Transformation Other (PDAS, etc.)
Benefits of Implementing the TCP Project Increased sense of urgency Enhanced relationships Provides a vehicle for “getting it done” Increased district support Improved documentation Refined processes Sustained leadership capacity
Transforming Classroom Practice Focal Question How do you enable mediocrity on your campus?
Transforming Classroom Practice Presenter Information Dr. Teri Fowler Professional Service Provider