Business Analytics Industrial Products Future Pipe Industries (FPI) – Giving the business more options for future growth by enhancing financial insight 80 percent faster annual budgeting: a new budget can be created within just 15 days Monthly consolidations provide regular insight across the group The transformation: A manual, time-consuming spreadsheet-based model for reporting, budgeting and consolidation limited FPI’s effectiveness in corporate governance, and its options for strategic decisions. Analytics technologies now give FPI greater control of its finances – putting it in a strong position, whatever direction its leaders decide to take. Reduced audit costs by bringing the consolidation process in-house Client Name: Future Pipe Industries Case study Link: bin/ssialias?subtype=AB&infotype=PM&appname=SWGE_YT_QP_WWEN&htmlfid=YT C03856WWEN&attachment=YTC03856WWEN.PDF Pull Quote: "Analytics helps us manage the whole group as if it were a single company, with consistent financial control at every level." —Mr. Saeed El Halal, Vice President of Business Systems, Future Pipe Industries Company Background: Future Pipe Industries (FPI), the global leader in anti-corrosive large diameter fiberglass pipe design and manufacturing, provides the world's largest product portfolio of fiberglass pipe systems, efficiently delivering water and energy to the world. With over 28 years in the industry, FPI has installed more than 160,000 kilometres of pipe worldwide and built up a robust reputation for designing, manufacturing and installing bespoke pipe solutions for the world's biggest companies in the fields of infrastructure, oil and gas, industrial, and water. With operations spanning 16 countries across four continents, FPI's worldwide offices and testing facilities lead the way in product advancement, guaranteeing the highest standards in the fiberglass pipe industry today. Solution components: Software • IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence • IBM Cognos Controller • IBM Cognos Planning • IBM Cognos TM1® Services • IBM MEA Solution Services Business challenge: To put itself in a position where it could explore new options – such as whether to embark on an IPO – FPI wanted to enhance its financial management capabilities and improve governance. The benefit: Cuts the budgeting cycle from three or four months to just 15 days. Monthly financial reporting provides group-wide oversight. Group consolidations are now done monthly, instead of only once per year. Solution components "Analytics helps us manage the whole group as if it were a single company, with consistent financial control at every level." —Mr. Saeed El Halal, Vice President of Business Systems, FPI Software • IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence • IBM Cognos Controller • IBM Cognos Planning • IBM Cognos TM1® Services • IBM MEA Solution Services YTP03295-WWEN-01 1