Electron micrograph of chronic primary membranous nephropathy showing discontinuous, electron-dense deposits representing aggregates of PLA2R–anti-PLA2R immune complexes formed in situ along the outer surface of the glomerular capillary wall beneath a layer... Electron micrograph of chronic primary membranous nephropathy showing discontinuous, electron-dense deposits representing aggregates of PLA2R–anti-PLA2R immune complexes formed in situ along the outer surface of the glomerular capillary wall beneath a layer of effaced podocyte foot processes (arrows). BM, basement membrane; CL, capillary lumen. Original photomicrograph generously provided by Dr. Charles Alpers, Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. William G. Couser CJASN 2017;12:983-997 ©2017 by American Society of Nephrology