Types of Government Grade 5, Unit 2, Lesson 3 ©2012, TESCCC
We are going to identify some types (systems) of government in the colonies and in England (Great Britain). Image credit: Free World Maps. (Designer). (2006). World political map. [Web Map]. Retrieved from http://www.freeworldmaps.net/download/maps/political-world-map-big.gif ©2012, TESCCC
A Closer Look England http://www.jimwegryn.com/Names/PlaceNames.htm Image credit: Left: (2006). Europe political map. (2006). [Web Map]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Europe_countries_map_en_2.png Right: Wegryn, J. (Designer). (2013). The 13 american colonies. [Web Map]. Retrieved from http://www.jimwegryn.com/Names/PlaceNames.htm http://www.jimwegryn.com/Names/PlaceNames.htm ©2012, TESCCC
Virginia House of Burgesses Mayflower Compact Virginia House of Burgesses Wegryn, J. (Designer). (2013). The 13 american colonies. [Web Map]. Retrieved from http://www.jimwegryn.com/Names/PlaceNames.htm ©2012, TESCCC Source: wiki commons
Types of Government England Colonies Monarchy (KING) George III Monarchy and Parliament (limited government) Mayflower Compact Virginia House of Burgesses Some colonies had governors appointed by the King of England Representative Government Limited Government ©2012, TESCCC