Notes for teachers – No 1 The lessons and SOW for Purple Hibiscus/A Monster Calls uses the research from Jennifer Webb on Cold reading and this research project Cold Read/Quick Read +Training First reading – you will: Read the text fast in a continuous chunk Teacher looks around the class for confusion or disengagement Teacher offers: questioning, discussion, clarifying and developing meaning, teaching cohesive inference and contextual knowledge Use graphic organisers with the text – e.g. one lesson storyboarding/plot sequencing/creating family trees Seating students sociably in groups increased the pleasure of the reading What doesn’t work? ‘round‐robin’ reading (or popcorn reading) Gives fragmented access to the text, unnecessary interruptions and faux‐analytical questions. Means students lack comprehension
Notes for teachers – No 2 Quick Quiz lessons on slides 1 – 18 can be completed orally and are only suggested questions. As you read there may be other questions and students may also have questions that they want to ask to clarify The questions are deliberately simplistic as the quick read is about students knowing the text not delving into analysis The Medium Term Plan word document offers more detail and ideas for delivery of each lesson The lessons are deliberately mostly one slide lessons as feedback, questioning and live modelling with students are of paramount importance in the delivery of this unit. Lessons have been designed to offer opportunities for students to be more independent, while still offering scaffolding to support The reading analysis ‘Knowledge Organiser’ should be used in conjunction with this unit to support students in developing their analytical writing Some lessons are designed to last longer than a traditional ‘1 hour’ unit of learning and there are multiple essay writing opportunities embedded, however this is to be done at your discretion and the expectation is not to complete every essay in the unit The Big Questions are designed in a range of essay question styles in order to lend themselves to discussion and opportunities to explore and understand the complexity of character, theme or events in the novel and do not all have to be answered as essays The order in which lessons are taught is up to the individual teacher based on what/how the class you are teaching respond to this style of learning
Purple Hibiscus: Student explanation of fast read We will be doing a ‘fast read’ of the novel to begin with RULES AND REASONING You will listen and follow the plot as the teacher reads You will raise you hand if you are confused or have any questions to ask at any point I will clarify parts of the story, vocabulary and ask plot understanding questions as we read. I will not be asking you to write the answers down in the initial stages of the reading We will complete some graphic work around the organisation of the story, the characters and the sequence of events as they happen AIMS OF COMPLETING THE UNIT IN THIS WAY: The main aim of the first part of the unit is to read and understand and know the plot of the story The second part of the unit. After the reading and creation of graphic organisers to help your understanding and knowledge will be to go back through the book analysing, discussing and writing about it in more detail.
Quick Quiz: Page 3 to 16 Breaking Gods Who is the narrator? Where is the scene set? What characters have we met? What religion do the character have? What is the mother like? What do you notice about the language in the opening?
Speaking with our spirit Quick Quiz: Page 19 to 26 Speaking with our spirit What did we learn in Breaking Gods? What do we learn about the mama? What do we learn about the papa? How do the children behave? There is civil unrest. How do we know this?
Quick Quiz: Page 27 to 36 How does the newspapers change and what does this suggest? What happens to the mama? How do the children react? The papa seems to be god fearing but also violent – what does this suggest about him? Is the narrator aware of the irony in ‘forgiveness’?
Quick Quiz: Page 37 to 51 What is school like? What is the narrator afraid of? How do the other children treat her?
Speaking with our spirit Quick Quiz: Page 52 to 70 Speaking with our spirit Where do the family go? What title does the papa have and what does this suggest? How do the villagers treat the family? What does the papa think about his own father’s religion/beliefs? What is the papa angry about at the end of the chapter?
Quick Quiz: Page 71 to 88 Who arrives? What are they like? How do they challenge the rules of the house? How do the children feel towards their aunt?
Quick Quiz: Page 89 to 109 What is the role of the church in the lives of the family? How are the cousins different from each other? What does the papa do to his children? Where does he allow them to go? Why does he allow them to go? Hypocrisy is rife in the chapter – what is the hypocrisy?
Quick Quiz: Page 110 to 139 What happens to the landscape? What contrasts are there between the cousins? What assumptions are made by Amaku about the lives of Kambili and Jaja? How is life different in Auntie Ifeoma’s house? What is religion like in their house?
Quick Quiz: Page 141 to 162 What is the mood in Aunty Ifeoma’s house? How is domestic abuse dealt with in the family? What happens to the grandfather? How do Kambili and Jaja react? What does the allegory at the end refer to?
Quick Quiz: Page 162 to 205 How is dying dealt with in the family? What conflict arises? Why does Kambili’s and Jaja’s father punish them? How does he punish her? What role is father Amadi playing?
Quick Quiz: Page 206 to 240 What happened to Ade Coker? What happened to Kambili? Why did this happen to her? How do the family react? Why did her father do this?
Quick Quiz: Page 240 to 253 How do events start to unfold? Why does the mother want to return home? What do the broken figurines show?
Quick Quiz: Page 257 to 270 The pieces of God How do things start to fall apart? Why do the children go to Aunty Ifeoma? What has changed?
Quick Quiz: Page 271 to 287 Why does Amaka refuse to take an English name? How do they prepare to leave? What happens at the end of this part of the text? Why is this shocking to the characters?
Quick Quiz: Page 288 to 307 What does the mother confess to? What does Jaja do? What is the outcome for the family? What is the final message at the end?