The Salem Witch Trials A series of trials in which people were accused of witchcraft in 1692-1693 in Massachusetts. 20 people accused of witchcraft were executed. Today we have the 5th and 6th Amendments which protect the rights of the accused.
The Middle Passage The middle part of a trade that brought slaves from Africa to America between 1500 and 1860. Conditions on the slave ships were brutal, slaves were kept below deck chained with dirty conditions and no room to move. This made America very wealthy and powerful and led to many African Americans in the U.S. today.
The Treaty of Paris of 1763 The peace treaty that ended the French and Indian War in 1763. The British gain all of the land east of the Mississippi River. The French get kicked out of North America. Native Americans lose land and the ability to trade with the French.
The Boston Massacre In 1770, a British soldier and a colonist get into a fight, as more colonists join in the British soldiers fire at the colonists, killing 5. This event makes colonists angry and is one event that contributes to the Revolutionary War.
The Intolerable Acts After the Boston Tea Party, the British pass these laws to punish the colonists in 1774. The colonists thought these laws were very unfair and this event was the last straw that led to the Revolutionary War.