Amsterdam, 24 June 2019 TCA Social Inclusion and divesity Karen Polak, Anne Frank House
Welcome and introductions Look at all the photos and quotes Choose one that speaks to you Form pairs and exchange why you choose this particular person Zoek een quote en foto uit die jou aanspreekt Zoek iemand waar je niet dagelijks mee samenwerkt Stel elkaar voor en leg uit welke quote diegene heeft gekozen en waarom De vraag waarom we elkaar voorstellen: minder eng om andere voor te stellen dan jezelf
Honest Dialogue Watch two primary source interview clips
Choose one word for each story. Emotion Choose one word that describes YOUR emotion after hearing these stories? Choose one word for each story. #storiesthatmove #imovetoo
Using Harvard Project Zero Visible Thinking Routine “Think Pair Share involves posing a question to students, asking them to take a few minutes of thinking time and then turning to a nearby student to share their thoughts.”
Discuss with your neighbor what are the similarities and differences between the two stories.
Lutz van Dijk on what is meant by safe space Did anything surprise you? Did anything make you upset? Did anything make you happy? What was the speaker’s message? Do you agree with the speaker? Why?
Sharing reflections and takeaways
Thank you! For questions and comments write to:
History of the project The online tool was shaped by an inspiring international youth meeting in Berlin in 2013, followed by a meeting of 65 experts from 14 countries in 2014. Voices of young people are an important aspect of Stories that Move. These honest voices can empower other young people. Listening This tool brings the voices of a wider range of young people into the learning environments. Dialogue The web tool creates space for open dialogue. Sensitivity Educators should be prepared to discuss different forms of discrimination on an analytical level and to handle the topic with sensitivity.
5 Learning Paths (Tracks & Steps) Seeing & Being Explores how we see ourselves and others, reflecting on the multiple identities people have, and the need for a positive approach to diversity. Facing Discrimination Shows students how prejudice and discrimination function through multiple examples of antigypsyism, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination that young people face. Life Stories Explores the personal stories of individuals, from different periods of history, learners reflect on the continuity and discontinuity of discrimination. Mastering the Media Looks at how propaganda, stereotyping, prejudices and hate speech are part of the online domain. Taking Action Reflects on what taking action means and empowers young people by sharing examples of real youth initiatives on different scales throughout Europe.
Learning Path 1: ‘Seeing and Being’ Two primary source interview clips from the umbrella site
Meeting Wioletta and Tyrell One word Which one word do you choose to describe the feeling you have for each story? One sentence What in particular did you find interesting to hear? One phrase Are the situations familar in some way?
Student Voices Are Key to this Tool
I used to think ____, and now I think ______. History of the project 9th grader, Rania Khan, shares about being involved in the process and writing her blog post: "Change Is the Next Step" ISA students, Kami Schult, Zozi Lencz, Leilani Hancock, Kieran McGlade, Trinabh Banerjee, and Lexi Witt share what they learned from participating in and piloting the learning paths by using the Visible Thinking Routine: I used to think ____, and now I think ______.
Using Harvard Project Zero Visible Thinking Routine Integration to Process Content Let’s view 2 youth voices from the Seeing & Being LP using a VTR: Think-Pair-Share (post-its) Student leaders facilitate this thinking and sharing at their assigned tables “Think Pair Share involves posing a question to students, asking them to take a few minutes of thinking time and then turning to a nearby student to share their thoughts.”
Using Harvard Project Zero Visible Thinking Routine Integration to Process Content What is one word to describe the feeling you have for each story? In one sentence, can you say what was similar in these two people’s experiences?
Learning Path 1: ‘Seeing and Being’ Short demonstration of Step 1.3.1 - 1.3.3 of the Seeing & Being ‘Iceberg Activity’ Link to Teacher Login Participants receive logins to demo site; student leaders guide this.
Hands On Exploration & Teacher Support Materials Teacher resources: Email to students (link) Teacher materials for ‘Seeing and Being’ (link) ISA student leaders facilitate the tables with Seeing & Being exploration of the ‘Identity Star’ found in LP 1.2.1 - 1.2.5
Want to register your class? Visit Stories that Move contact us Thank you! Michael & Shannon (Int. School of Amsterdam)