Safe Nights of Calvert County Cleaning Module Safe Nights of Calvert County 10/15/2019
Regulations for Cleaning Volunteers 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Safe Nights of Calvert County ARRIVAL TIME Cleaning Volunteer can arrive on-site as soon as the Guests leave. Clean between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., coordinate cleaning time. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Safe Nights of Calvert County Use Gloves Upon arrival, put on disposable vinyl gloves before undertaking any cleaning. “Surgical type” gloves should be used, not thinner, food service type. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE! Safe Nights of Calvert County 10/15/2019
Safe Nights of Calvert County Linen Care on Wash Day Pick up wet towels and washcloths, Spray with Sterifab (very light spray), and place in large plastic bags for laundering. Clean washcloths and towels should be placed on each cot after laundering. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Safe Nights of Calvert County Floor Care Shelter floors should be dust-mopped and any spills wiped up. Shelter floors should then be wet-mopped. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Safe Nights of Calvert County Bathroom Sanitation Wipe all counter and sink surfaces in bathrooms with a strong cleaning solution such as Clorox or Lysol. Use Saniflush, or equivalent in toilet bowls. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Shower Stall and Floors Clean shower stall and faucets with same strong cleaning solution. Walls and floor of shower stall to be sanitized in same fashion. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Safe Nights of Calvert County More Sanitizing Wet-mop entire bathroom floor with a strong cleaning solution. Assure that door handles, light switches, etc. are sanitized. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Safe Nights of Calvert County More Sanitizing Unless there is obvious soiling of walls in the bathroom, it is not necessary to wipe them down. However, spray them with a disinfectant then let dry. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Trash Disposal Empty all trash from restrooms into large trash bags. Place trash in dumpster. Safe Nights of Calvert County 10/15/2019
Safe Nights of Calvert County Finally,… Don’t cut corners cleaning. Clean as if your children were next ones to use the facilities. The cleaning must be finished by no later than 5:00 p.m. 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County
Your participation is appreciated. Safe Nights of Calvert County 10/15/2019 Safe Nights of Calvert County