Crystallography Orientation relationships Metric tensor H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia Orientation relationships Metric tensor
coordinate transformation matrix derived by inspection
Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation how do we derive the coordinate transformation?
(110) ferrite (111) austenite
Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation
The Kurdjumov-Sachs Orientation Relationship X Y
Bagaryatski orientation relationship, cementite and ferrite
Axis-Angle Pairs
Symmetry related axis-angle pairs
Weiss Zone Rule proven!
generalised dot product express one vector in real space, other in reciprocal space
to take a dot product between two vectors in any coordinate system, express one in the reciprocal basis and the other in real basis.
The Metric Tensor
cubic tetragonal orthorhombic hexagonal trigonal triclinic monoclinic