The Study of the Human Body! Welcome To Anatomy/Physiology The Study of the Human Body!
What We Will Study: YOU! Homeostasis, body planes, regions, root words, directional terms Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System Nervous System Cardiovascular System Respiratory System Digestive System Excretory System Lymphatic & Immune System Reproductive System
What Can You Expect From this Class Although this class is a science elective, it is rigorous and challenging. Activities: Daily Lectures Labs Dissections Case Studies Quizzes (Announced & Unannounced) Exams
Textbook & Resources Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (Hole’s 9th edition) Animations on my website
Handouts Class Syllabus No Extra Credit Grade calculated by Category Weight Check my website is you’re absent! Your cell phone is off, my cell phone is on Subterm 1 Subterm 2 Classwork & Homework 30% Classwork & Homework 30% Quizzes 5% Quizzes 5% Tests 65% Tests 50% Comprehensive Final 15%
My Website: Daily Agenda/HW Has note takers Handouts/articles Animations (under “Resources”) Answer keys (sometimes)
HANDOUTS: Syllabus (cont.) Make the investment! (colored pencils) Make Up Tests: All make up tests are short answer/essay. You can take the “regular” test early. Field trip, sports, sick make up test version However, the lowest exam score for each quarter will be dropped.
Handouts Passes (on the bottom of your syllabus) Can’t be used for labs/projects Unused passes don’t give you extra credit
HANDOUTS: Academic Honesty Ex: copying, emailing your work, cheating Academic dishonesty: misrepresenting others work or ideas as your own
Handouts Class Agreement Signed by you and your parent
Handouts Parent Permission (under class agreement) District technicality (need to have to take the class)
FYI… Never hand me papers! put in the “SAFE PAPER ZONE”
Dissections: none of the animals we use are raised for the purpose of dissection There will be 3: Chicken wing (muscular system) Sheep heart (circulatory system) Fetal pig (comprehensive review & lab practical)
Handouts Student Information Used so I have any information you feel it would be helpful for me to know. My goal is to help you be successful. Only share what you want to share.
Other Class Codes: Period 3: 1i9i57b Google Classroom: (in case I forgot something): Text the message @3f76fb to the number 81010.