How to Have a Safe Field Trip By Ms. Joy
We are going on a field trip!! I am so excited.
There are some rules we must follow to stay safe.
1. Follow bus safety rules 1. Follow bus safety rules!! You don't want your day to end early, do you? Misbehavior on the bus can get you into trouble and ruin your day. You could end up sitting on the bus while the others enjoy the destination.
2. Don’t wander off!! Listen carefully when the teacher gives instructions about sticking with the group or sticking with an assigned partner-even when going to the restroom. Don't ever wander off on your own, or your trip could end badly. If you break this rule, you could end up with the teacher as your partner!
3. Respect the chaperones 3. Respect the chaperones. You should respect any chaperones and listen to them as you would your own teacher or parents. Chaperones have a big responsibility, watching after so many students at one time.
4. Respect nature. Stay on the path 4. Respect nature. Stay on the path!! This field trips will take you into contact with animals and plants. For your own safety, be mindful of potential dangers and don't assume you can tug, pull, tease, or touch things safely.
5. Eat and drink in designated places 5. Eat and drink in designated places. We will be eating lunch on our field trip. We must eat in the location the park ranger tells us. Be sure to pick up all your trash and throw away in designated locations.
6. Dress for the weather. We will be outside for part of this field trip. Watch the weather and dress appropriately. Jackets if it will be cool, shorts if it will be warm. If it rains, we will do our activities under a shelter.
7. Have fun!! If you follow these rules, you will learn some great new things and you will have fun!!