WELCOME Back to School Miss Campos Third Grade Room 234 2019-2020
Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School DDCES is a Bilingual Charter School whose mission is to provide students with a comprehensive dual curriculum and bicultural/bilingual education. http://www.ddces.org Office: (305) 569-2223
Meet Your TEACHER Meet Miss Campos I was born and raised in Miami, Fl. I am two weeks away from turning 32. I graduated from Florida International University with my Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education and with an ESOL, and Gifted Endorsement. This will be my tenth year of teaching. I love to travel and spend time with my friends and family.
School Safety POLICIES * DDCES has an assigned police officer to monitor our school. * Multiple Security Guards * Entrance door is locked at ALL times! In order to come into the school you must buzz the office at the door. * The electronic system is still placed in the office where all visitors must register. **Tags must be worn at all times. * All visitors must be cleared (including for birthday parties). * Clearance is now based on the academic school year, clearance will begin on August 16th.
* Dade Schools Portal for volunteer clearance begins August 16th. School Safety POLICIES * Arrival & Dismissal: No Cell Phone Use in Car Line Car dismissal: Students will not be placed in a car without a hanging decal. * Volunteer Clearance-parents must first complete the process on the Dade Schools portal. Once they receive the email stating they are clear, they come to the office to complete the process. * Dade Schools Portal for volunteer clearance begins August 16th. * October 11-parents without the 2019-2020 badge and sticker will need to check into the office for a visitor’s sticker. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Parent Identification Badges School Safety POLICIES Parent Identification Badges * All parents/family members entering the building for drop off, dismissal, and daytime events will need to have a current Parent Identification Badge by Monday, October 11, 2019. * If you have a badge from last year, you can keep it, and a new sticker will be issued to you upon your clearance from Miami Dade Public Schools. If you need a badge, please send a headshot to ddcespto@gmail.com. Include your child’s name, grade, and teacher.
School Safety POLICIES Parent Identification Badges Parent ID Badges: Badges from last year are still valid until October 11th. A special sticker will be given to parents once they are cleared as a volunteer
Dress Code Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School has a mandatory uniform policy. All school polo, skirt, shorts, pants, and jacket must have the DDCES logo. The uniform must follow school compliance. All students must wear closed-toe shoes. Students must wear belts with all looped pants. Any questions please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook. Purchase Uniforms ***Ibiley Uniforms 10564 SW 8th Street Miami, Fl
Communication Teacher Email: vcampos@dadeschools.net fajardoL@dadeschools.net DDCES APP-Download our school app In your Play or App store, search and download for Educational Networks Once the EN app appears, search for Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School Go Green Communicator DDCES THIRD GRADE WEBSITE https://ddcesthirdgrade.wixsite.com/website
Communication Class Tag Class Tag will be the application we will use this year to communicate. I will email you the invitation this weekend. :)
Classroom RULES Classroom Rules Follow Directions Be Prepared to Learn Always Try My Best Listen Attentively Use indoor Voices Never Give Up
Some Practices we will share are: Becoming Class Leaders Classroom Practices Some Practices we will share are: Choosing Kindness Becoming Class Leaders Growth Mindset Mindfulness
Attendance POLICY -Attendance is ESSENTIAL to be successful in school! -After 8:30 AM the student will be considered TARDY. Students will be picked up from the cafeteria at 8:15 AM. -Three tardies now equals one detention. *Three detentions will cause student to not attend school event EX: Field trip -If your child is ABSENT an excused note must be signed and turned in no later than 3 days after the absence. -You must provide a doctor or a parent note for the absence to be considered excused. - Excused absences include illness, death in the family, or for religious reasons. - You may not take out your child 30 minutes before dismissal time.
School Arrival & DISMISSAL **Only entrance is through 52nd ST ** FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL ONLY 8/19/19 – 8/20/19 Parent Student drop-off: Parent must park and drop off their child in the classroom by 8:30 AM. Arrival Procedure Starting Wednesday Drive through entrance is on 52nd ST Child will wait in the cafeteria until 8:15 am. ******PARENTS DEPART FROM THE BUILDING BY 8:00AM After 8:30 am student is tardy and must report to the main office!
Display on Window/Dashboard School DISMISSAL Two Dismissal Options: 1- Pedestrian Pick up Ms. Campos (234) 2- Drive thru (52nd St) Display on Window/Dashboard
Parent VOLUNTEERS Each family has to volunteer 20 volunteer hours throughout the school year. All volunteers must be cleared by Miami Dade County Public Schools. Meeting: 08/30/19 at 9:00 am Parent Volunteer Link at DDCES.org MUST GO THROUGH PROCESS EVERY YEAR Room Parent Selection: First meeting is on September 3rd
Parent VOLUNTEERS Ways to volunteer Assist in creating bulletin boards. Assist in field trips.* Assist in class parties/functions. Help print, cut, and laminate items for the classroom. Read-Aloud
Parent Organizations We invite you to learn more about: PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) https://youtu.be/jDQjaflo2U0 https://ddcespto.membershiptoolkit.com/ SIPA (Spanish International Parent Association) PIPA (Portuguese International Parent Association) Please visit their booth located in the cafeteria after meet and greet!
Daily SCHEDULE Insert Text Here Class Time Class A: Reading 8:15- 10:00 am Specials 10:00-11:00 am Class A: Mathematics 11:00- 12:00 pm Science 12:00—12:30pm Lunch 12:30- 1:00 pm Social Studies 1:00- 1:30 pm Contenido 1:30- 2:30 pm Lengua 2:30- 4:00 pm Dismissal 4:00 pm
Homework POLICY As per the DDCES Homework Policy: K & 1st Grade: 30 minutes per night, five days 2nd & 3rd Grade: 45 minutes per night, five days 4th and 5th Grade: 60 minutes per night, five days These times do not reflect the additional 30 minutes of required reading for all students K-5. Participation in the Dual Language Program and/or Gifted Program often requires additional home learning assignments on a daily basis.
Lunch PROCEDURES Recommended to bring lunch from home the first week of school. Lunch is available to all students. Daily lunch is $2.25 Students have access to free breakfast everyday.
Snack PROCEDURES Each child should bring a small labeled bag with a healthy and quick snack on a daily basis. **Snack time will take place after specials.
Birthday PROCEDURES Birthdays need to be coordinated with the teacher a week in advance. (15 minutes) Can include: Cupcakes with juice Cookies with juice Water bottles ** Two CLEARED relatives are allowed. Siblings are not allowed to attend. 24 students in each class
Allergies/ Medical Conditions Please notify us of any medical conditions or allergies your child may have.
The envelope must be labeled with…. Classroom Procedures Please send cash or check inside a closed envelope. The envelope must be labeled with…. Date Teacher’s name Student’s name Reason for payment Amount
Field TRIPS All students must wear the PTO shirt. It is sold exclusively at Skyros in Downtown Doral.
After School Care We invite you to visit the after school activity fair in the cafeteria! Morning Care 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM (Additional fee required). After-Care begins at 4:00 PM. Visit DDCES for the list of Enrichment Activities. Online Access and Payments
After School Care This is a friendly reminder that payment for August is due no later than Friday, August 16th, 2019 at 6pm. A late fee of $35 will incur if payment is not made by the above date. Thank you!
Teacher WISHLIST Thank you! If you wish to donate an item to the class please take a post it from the dry-erase board of the classroom. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1ODD2QGJ9RU5H?ref_=wl_share Thank you!
* 2 High lighters and Red Pens School SUPPLIES Before departing please make sure everything is labeled. Please leave the following items in your child’s pencil pouch: *5 pencils * 2 High lighters and Red Pens *Eraser *Color pencils * scissors * glue