College Essay Voice Ratiocination
Pass to someone behind you. Read & highlight striking language, devices, and imagery.
Pass to your right. Read & highlight exact language: vivid verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and specific nouns.
Read & highlight natural language. Pass across the room. Read & highlight natural language.
Random pass to anyone in the room. Read essay and STAR any areas that lack voice and NEED MORE VOICE. For each star, write what kind of voice the writer should add: Striking language Exact language Natural language
Pass behind you. Read & observe verbs in action. Circle any passive voice verbs: (The ball was caught.) And Be verbs: Am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been
Same person. What kind of voice is coming through in the essay? At the TOP of the essay, list three adjectives you would use to describe the voice in the essay.