Learner-centered digital ecosystem of competence development AMKE verkostopäivä 25.4.2019: Digitaaliset palvelut jatkuvan oppimisen tukena
Jatkuvan oppimisen reformi 15.10.2019
Compleap is a 2-year long (12/17-11/19) EU-project funded by DG Connect as part of creating the Digital single market Creating services for learners with learners.
THREE SERVICES AS OUTCOMES 1) The Learner Centered digital ecosystem Framework 2) New service prototypes to support lifelong learning and competence development 3) Learning analytics as a part of new service prototypes
DISTINCT MODULES FOR THE LEARNER PATH The CompLeap Modules include a Competence Profile, which ties together user competences, skills and interests, with possibilities of guidance and comparing existing education opportunities Planning larger framework for competence development Creating smaller service prototypes
COMPLEAP TOOLS Personal Learner Path Combination of certified and acknowledged competencies from registries as well as user generated data (interests, skills, goals, etc.) comprised by user activities in these modules. Goal is for a unified user experience: user does not know which module is being used. User can use strong identification or no identification/registration Possibilities in interfacing to various national registers and data bases (if available) Creating Personal profile through entering data and/or gaining data from national registers and systems Competence Mapping solutions for compiling information on ambitions, interests and non-formal to a visualised ”Competence Profile” Comparison and interaction with offered educational opportunities through "compare" module Visualised ”Learner Map” based on previous data and showing future possibilities for the learner
The CompLeap prototypes are developed in 3 phases: Mock up prototype – visual screenshots of the modules for testing a concept HTML prototype – depicting full framework, linked to architecture deployment Beta prototype – smaller modules forming parts of the Learner Path, development ongoing now, to be piloted with end-users from May 2019
THE GOAL FOR USING ANALYTICS IN COMPLEAP Personalizing the user experience Providing education recommendations based on educational and other user data Evoking user reflection on his or her competences, interests and future learning possibilities
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