Time to reshape the reality Considering Private Bailiff not only as a technical executor of law Avoiding a single definition for him Putting his public mission into the development context Creating the full picture, into a proactive and progressive perspective
Human Rights Perspective Right to a fair trial process (Article 6 of Convention on Human Rights) – Execution is integrated with trial proceeding Right to Property (Article 1 of 1st Protocol) – Possessing an enforceable title means possessing an economic asset
Our challenge To provide a solid ground for the evolution and progress To be the best possible professional representative of Private Bailiffs Success to be the common denominator of all the activities performed and undertaken
SIAIP (System for Integrated Data Administration) Within 1 year SIAIP (System for Integrated Data Administration) An extra procedural tool to assist daily operations of Private Bailiffs Tendency toward paperless justice Increasing efficiency, through reducing time and bureaucracy, - Online seizures - Fast access to authentic information
Legal Infrastructure Statute of Performance and Exercise of Bailiff Activities Unified 55 modular The regulatory framework on meetings of General Assembly Regulation on Dealing with complaints Regulation on Administration of Center of Auction Development
Legal Capital Establishment Position papers Directives Participations in National and International Conferences Adapting and Implementing International Projects
Directives unification initiatives 1. For unification and Temporary Appliance of Attachment of Wage Order RESPECTING AND LEAVING UNTOUCHED THE MINIMUM LEVEL OF LIVING UP TO THE MINIMUM WAGE 2. For the Unchanged and Executable Value amount of the debt after the issuance of the order of execution PREVENTING THE ARBITRARY INCREASE OF THE DEBT AMOUNT AND THE NON PROPORTIONAL BURDEN IMPOSED TO THE DEBTOR 3. Unification of Taxation Issues related to the invoices send to creditors and debtors during the execution proceedings 4. Unification for the issue of transfer executive cases and the procedural position after the interruption
Auction Development Center Innovative solution to increase the transparency during sale of properties More publicity added to the procedure of sale More contribution to Chamber budget An example of best practices and modernization
NCHB participation in Financial Forum Private Bailiffs part of the Debate on Bad Loans Encouraging the systematic approach of the full picture Real input and contribution provided toward solutions and recommendation Main impact of execution factor on a financial issue Confirmation of Private Bailiffs as intermediaries “BETWEEN LAW AND ECONOMY”
JUSTICE REFORM PARTICIPATION (We are now a solid voice) Reaffirmation of execution service as a consolidated and unique structure Execution service is a fundamental service provided acting in coherence with the development and democratic principles Real and effective guarantee on Human Rights Execution Service is seen as generator of new opportunities for the State What does this mean?
“ In order to sail toward safe shores, is required the judicial order and fair execution of justice and financial prosperity”
Thank You for the attention!