Week 7: Teleios through Craving


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Presentation transcript:

Week 7: Teleios through Craving God’s Will for My Life Week 7: Teleios through Craving

1 Peter 1:22-2:3

“…grow up into salvation” Death to Life Eph 2:1,5; Col 3:5 Evidence of Death Gal 6:8; Rom 6:21 Evidence of Life Col 3:10, Gal 5:22

Through Craving Growth begins with a fundamental craving for pure spiritual milk (2) Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation– (3) if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.

Grow by Craving God’s Goodness How do we stimulate a craving for God’s goodness?

1. Taste again His Goodness (2-3)

1. Taste again His Goodness (2-3) 1:3 He caused us to be born again

1. Taste again His Goodness (2-3) 1:3 He caused us to be born again 1:23a by imperishable seed

1. Taste again His Goodness (2-3) 1:3 He caused us to be born again 1:23a by imperishable seed 1:4a to an imperishable inheritance

1. Taste again His Goodness (2-3) 1:3 He caused us to be born again 1:23a by imperishable seed 1:4a to an imperishable inheritance 1:23b through the enduring word

1. Taste again His Goodness (2-3) 1:3 He caused us to be born again 1:23a by imperishable seed 1:4a to an imperishable inheritance 1:23b through the enduring word 1:18-19 by the imperishable blood of Jesus

2. Spit out the Evil (1)

2. Spit out the Evil (1) 1 Peter 1:14-16 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."

Grow by Craving God’s Goodness