B6 – DNA, Protein Synthesis and Mutations Describe the structure of DNA: . Define a genome: Explain why understanding the human genome is important: Protein Synthesis Where are proteins made? Describe the role of mRNA: How many bases code for an amino acid? Describe the role of tRNA: Give 3 types of protein: Describe what a chromosome is: Describe what a gene is: Describe how a gene determines a particular characteristic: Define a mutation: Describe the 3 possible types of mutation: Addition Deletion Substitution Define complementary base pairing: Which bases pair together? State the number of chromosomes and number of pairs in a human body cell:
B6 –Reproduction, Meiosis and Mitosis Keywords: Gametes- Diploid- Haploid- Mitosis Meiosis Purpose Where it occurs Types of cell produced Type of reproduction involved in Number of divisions Number of daughter cells produced Number of chromosomes in daughter cells Sexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction Number of parents Mixing of DNA? Genetically identical offspring? Genetic variation offspring? Type of cell division involved Fertilisation/ fusion of gametes? State the advantages of asexual reproduction: Explain the importance of meiosis in producing haploid gametes: Describe why meiosis results in offspring with different characteristics: State the main advantage of sexual reproduction:
B6 – Inheritance- Inheritance + Genetic Diagrams Define the following keywords: Allele – Dominant – Recessive – Genotype – Phenotype – Homozygous – Heterozygous – Use a diagram (punnet square) to show the probability of having a boy as your 1st child: What would be the genotype of a heterozygous dog? What would the phenotype be? Use a genetic diagram to show the probability of producing a white haired puppy from 2 heterozygous parents: 12 puppies were born, 10 were black and 2 were white. Why did this not fit the expected 3:1 ratio? Black hair (B) is dominant over white hair (b) A pure bred black dog breeds with a pure bred white dog. Use a genetic diagram to show the probability of producing a white haired puppy: If an organism is said to be pure bred, what does this tell us about their genotype?
B6 – Genetics – Genetic Disorders and Family Trees Describe what causes cystic fibrosis: Describe what polydactyly syndrome is and what causes it: Annotate the genotype of as many individuals as you can: Use a genetic diagram to show the likelihood of a child having CF when one parent is a carrier and the other is a sufferer: Use a genetic diagram to show the likelihood of a child having polydactyly when one parent suffers with the disease and the other is normal: Use a genetic diagram to show the likelihood of a child having CF when both parents are carriers. Give 3 reasons for embryo screening: 1) 2) 3) Give 3 reasons against embryo screening: 1) 2) 3)
Biology Chapter 7 – Variation and evolution – variation, theory of evolution, natural selection and fossils State the difference between genetic and environmental variation. Who created the theory of evolution? Explain how the peppered moth provides evidence for natural selection. What did the early theories of evolution suggest? Give 3 examples for each of the following - genetic, environmental and a combination of both genetic and environmental factors in humans. State what fossils are and describe how fossils are formed. Describe how evolution happens – you must make reference to mutations natural selection and the impact of environmental changes. Explain why the fossil record is incomplete. Genetic variation is the product of what three processes? State evidence for Darwin’s theory of evolution. Explain how the modern horse has changed over millions of years. Explain why variation is crucial to evolution.
Biology Chapter 7 – Variation and evolution – selective breeding, genetic engineering and GMO crops Describe the technique of selective breeding. Describe the technique of selective breeding. Describe the benefits of GM crops. Describe problems with interbreeding. State what genetic engineering is and what it changes. Explain the issues with genetic modification – include ethical concerns and safety issues. State the benefit of cloning plants. Describe how plants are cloned. Explain how a new variety of plants are produced. HIGHER TIER: Explain the genetic engineering technique . Explain the process of gene therapies – include how it works, ethical concerns and limitation of it.
Biology Chapter 7 – Variation and evolution –antimicrobial resistance, the tree of life, extinction and math skill Explain how bacteria is developing a resistance to antibiotics (antimicrobial resistance). State what an evolutionary tree shows. Why do some scientists believe we are on the verge of the sixth extinction? Explain how modern evolutionary trees are constructed. Name the three main kingdoms of Eukaryotes. Describe how we are reducing the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Describe the differences between a bar chart , complex bar charts and a histogram. Define the term species. State what factors are present to lead to an introduction of a new species. Describe what the cephalic index (CI) shows and give the equation. Describe how we classify organisms.