Peripheral Vascular Intervention (PVI) Device Utilization and Patient Outcomes Lillian Camino, RPVI, RVT; Melissa Easterday BS; Gary Lemmon, MD Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital Indianapolis, Indiana
Disclosures We do not have any actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this presentation.
SCAI Consensus Guideline for Device Selection in Femoral-Popliteal Arterial Interventions In 2018, ACC/AHA/SCAI/SIR/SVM released a publication regarding appropriate use criteria for Peripheral Artery Intervention. Journal of the American College of Cardiology Dec 2018, 25614; DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.10.002 Green: Class 1 strong recommendation These are DES and DCB
Paclitaxel‐Coated Balloons and Stents in the Femoropopliteal Artery of the Leg In 2018 JAHA released an article indicating increased risk of death following application of paclitaxel-coated balloons and stents in the femoropopliteal artery of the lower limbs. In 2018, Risk of Death Following Application of Paclitaxel‐Coated Balloons and Stents in the Femoropopliteal Artery of the Leg: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Randomized Controlled Ie “Konstantinos Katsanos study” Journal of the American Heart Association Dec 18, 2018, Vol 7, Issue 24 In 2019 FDA released a series or letters to Health Care Providers regarding Paclitaxel Coated balloons and stents in PVI
Global Vascular Guidelines (GVG) for patients with critical limb-threatening Recently in 2019 JVS and ESVS copublished Global Vascular Guidelines (GVG) for patients with critical limb-threatening ischemia Representation of Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), and World Federation of Vascular Societies (WFVS), Just Released
Goal Indiana University Health (IUH) Methodist Hospital (MH) : Review device specific procedural outcomes for LE PVI Analyze the amount and type of devices used in Femoral-popliteal atherosclerotic disease treatment. Immediate and long term outcomes of the procedure Determine efficacy of treatment at follow up timeframes
Method Type: Retrospective analysis Software: Timeframe: 2012-2018 VQI PVI Registry Database Microsoft Excel Timeframe: 2012-2018 Pathology: Atherosclerotic occlusive disease only (ASO) Segments (native vessels only): Superficial Femoral (SFA) Popliteal (Pop) “SFA/Pop” Cases presented are PER Segment AND SIDE treated If one case has R-SFA and L-Pop, it will count as 2 cases Symptoms and outcomes adjusted by laterality right segments were matched only with right sided data (R-segments w R-sided symptoms and R-sided amputations, etc)
Method Definitions: Non-critical limb ischemia (NCLI) : asymptomatic claudicant Critical limb ischemia (CLI): rest pain ulcers non-healing amputations acute ischemia cases Target Lesion Revascularization (TLR): percutaneous PVI* open bypass graft* *(related to the area treated) Major Amputations: above the knee amputation (AKA) below the knee amputation (BKA) * Ipsilateral to area treated
Method A = Atherectomy Directional Orbital Excisional Laser SG = Stentgrafts Covered stents ST = Stents Balloon expanded Self expanded Drug eluting stents SB = Special Balloons Drug coated balloons Cryoplasty Cutting Balloons PTA = Simple Balloons Uncoated balloons Order of entry of devices (when more devices used than registry capacity to collect): 1st Atherectomies 2nd Stentgrafts 3rd Stents 4th Special Balloons 5th Plain Balloons
Results We were able to collect and analyze robust amount of data We will present here the highlights of the data
Results 1012 Patients treated R ≈ L 1108 segments treated 1004 Patients with only 1 limb treated 8 Patients with bilateral limbs treated R ≈ L 1108 segments treated 901 with 1 segment treated 102 with 2 segments treated 1 with 3 segments treated Symptoms at index: NCLI: 553/1108 CLI: 540/1108 Unknown: 15/1108 PTA Alone was performed on 245/1108 (22% of all cases)
Results Outcomes at LTFU 45.3% 3.4% 12.1% 6.9% Unchanged Symptoms (281/620) 84.3% NCLI (237/281) 15.7% CLI (44/281) Worsening of Symptoms 3.4% (21/620) 100% NCLI (21/21) TLR 12.1% (75/620) 37.3% NCLI (28/75) 61.3% CLI (46/75) Major Amputation 6.9% (43/620) 14.0% NCLI (6/43) 86.0% CLI (37/43) 620 Segments with LTFU data 488 no LTFU IUH-MH averages 64.8% compliance of LTFU for PVI module at the time of study
Target Lesion Revascularization Cumulative Outcomes Summary 2012-2018ytd On PVI device at index and at LTFU 9% (15/73) Stent 7% (4/58) Specialty balloon 3% (2/59) Stentgraft 1% (1/104) Atherectomy Major Amputation at LTFU 17% (10/59) Stentgraft 16% (28/73) Stent 10% (6/58) Specialty Balloon 9% (9/104) Atherectomy Target Lesion Revascularization 26% (45/173) Stent 22% (13/59) Stentgraft 20% (13/59) Specialty Balloon 15% (15/104) Atherectomy Worsening Outcomes1 66% (38/58) Specialty Balloons 65% (67/104) Atherectomy 54% (94/173) Stent 49% (29/59) Stentgraft Better Outcomes 60% (372) No TLR or Major Amputation 12% (75) Target Lesion Revascularization 7% (43) Major Amputation Overall outcomes N=620 95% with <=30% residual stenosis 1% of cases with >30% stenosis or 10mm gradient 3% Failure to treat/Abort Procedural Rate of Success N=1108 36% PTA 31% Stents 15% Atherectomy 15% Specialty Balloon 9% Stentgraft Device Used 1 includes worsening of Symptoms, TLR and/or Major amp
Challenges/Limitations VQI/Pathways Analytic and Reporting Engine unable to produce this type of analysis (Manual Analysis) Limitations in amount of devices captured Only 2 devices captured 2012-2015 Only 3 devices captured 2016-2018 Treatment options may require >>3 devices LTFU void Incomplete/Missing data Specialty balloon descriptors not captured at the time Drug coated balloons Cryoplasty Cutting Balloons Inadequate statistical power single site WIFI scoring impact on PVI Underestimated time needed to complete this review!!!!
Conclusions Deep dive analysis was possible using VQI PVI raw data We found value in analysis of VQI data to review internal treatment strategies and patient outcomes. Preconceived notions/bias of device performance could not be reproduced all devices performed well when compared to each other. The review supports the adoption of current practices to align with the recently published SCAI PVI guidelines. Needs major editing Insights from the initial review will guide future continued tracking New PVI module update may allow future review of Paclitaxel containing devices data review* *Registry limited to 3 or less devices
Thank you