PAP Warm Up Identify the parts of the reactions on the board. Name the two reactions that can occur and explain the differences between the two. (reactants & products)
PAP Biology Warm Up Identify a, b, c, and d in the diagram above. What type of chemical reaction is this?
Objective We will….demonstrate how enzymes work and their purpose.
Article Analysis Due Wednesday Biochemistry TEST Friday Agenda Complete Jell-O Lab Begin write up for Jell-O Lab Article Analysis Due Wednesday Biochemistry TEST Friday
PAP Biology Warm Up Study and review for biochemistry test
Agenda Biochemistry Test Work on Formal Write Up for Jell-O Lab You may write on test but the scan-tron will be graded You may write in pen or pencil Work on Formal Write Up for Jell-O Lab Due Monday Assessment Grade
Lab Write Up Purpose: Materials: Procedure: Observations & Data: The purpose of this lab was to …… Materials: List Procedure: # Observations & Data: Observations: The senses were used in several ways during this lab. The sense of smell…… Visual information included…..The sense of touch allowed for….. Data Table Calculations: Conclusion: Sources of Error: (3)
Conclusion The purpose of this lab was…….The data showed that …… The control in the lab was well # ___ with the ________in it. The results of the lab showed that the #1 well ……. The #2 well …….. The #3 well …….. The #4 well ……... The #5 well …….. The #6 well ……... The data supports that ………The data collected supports that detergents do have enzymes in them that….( use academic vocabulary such as substrate, active site, concentration, hydrolysis….)
Sources of Error There are 3 sources of error that could have affected the results. The three errors are all personal errors which include first the possibility for cross contamination between detergents by picking up the wrong pipette. Another possible error would be……Lastly there is the possibility that………