I3U “Introduction of the Workshop“ 2nd Meeting – 14 09 2015 Venue: Vienna Boris Le Hir, Pierre Le Mouël & Paul Zagamé, Seureco
Methodological issues and short introduction of the technical workshop Interaction between commitment analyses and modelling with NEMESIS All teams must grasp both the action of the commitments and how the NEMESIS model works in order to implement the commitments properly in the model for that purpose:
Methodological issues and short introduction of the technical workshop Interaction between commitment analyses and modelling with NEMESIS Seureco has sent a description of the NEMESIS model and a first draft describing the potential indicators that could be needed for modelling the commitments; Each team in charge of the direct impact analysis of commitments should have prepared a commitment map describing the way of action of each commitment and a list of indicators to quantify their action.
Methodological issues and short introduction of the technical workshop Interaction between commitment analyses and modelling with NEMESIS The role of the workshop: on the basis of the description of the two approaches, one should determine: Which mechanisms in NEMESIS might reflect the commitments’ action; Which mechanisms related to the commitments are not taken into account in NEMESIS and have to be introduced (access to finance for instance); What are the exogenous variables to collect to implement the commitments in NEMESIS; What are the variant scenarios to assess.
Methodological issues and short introduction of the technical workshop Explanatory variables Text Explained variables Indicators for NEMESIS Indicators for CMIS
Methodological issues and short introduction of the technical workshop Interaction between commitment analyses and modelling with NEMESIS This workshop must also identify the need for bilateral workshop, notably when modelling the action of the commitments needs modifying the model and when the commitments effects are relatively complex to implement.
Open points/Next steps Any other considerations? Questions and answers Next steps
Thank you Boris Le Hir, Pierre Le Mouël & Paul Zagamé boris Thank you Boris Le Hir, Pierre Le Mouël & Paul Zagamé boris.le-hir@erasme-team.eu pierre.le-mouel@erasme-team.eu paul.zagame@erasme-team.eu In modalità Presentazione fare clic sulla freccia per accedere alla pagina della guida introduttiva di PowerPoint.