Flood KNOWLEDGE. CLARITY. RELIABILITY. www.compliancealliance.com (888) 353-3933
Agenda Scope Determination Minimum Amount of Flood Insurance Force Placement NFIP Reauthorization Record Retention Enforcement
Scope Buildings Mobile homes SFHA MIRE Events
Detached structures Residential Property Not a Residence
Determination SFHD Reuse Disputes Discrepancies
Notices SFHA Notice Servicer Identity 10 days Insurance agent Acknowledged 10 days Insurance agent
Minimum Amount of Insurance Principal Loan Balance NFIP Maximum Insurable Value
Contents Coverage ACV $100k $500k
Condominiums RCBAP $250k x units $500k building
Forced-Place Insurance Upon knowledge 45 day notice Charge Day 1 Cancellation
Escrow Consumer Purpose Exemption Residential property MIRE Events Business purpose Subordinate liens HOA/RCBAP HELOCS Non-Performing 12 months or less
NFIP REauthorization 8 or 9 times Bank Plan Private Policies Safety and Soundness
Private Flood Insurance 7/1/2019 Written Assurances Flood Criteria Bank Discretion Mutual Aid Societies
Records & Enforcement Life of Loan $2k per violation No cap
Scenarios 1 - 12 Pgs. 6-10