Report to CalSWEC Advisory Board Leadership. Partnership. Workforce Development. April 19, 2018 Report to CalSWEC Advisory Board Virginia Rondero Hernandez, Executive Director
2016 Strategic Plan Initiate planning process Draft plan Implementation of 5-year plan April 1, 2014 September 2014 - November 2015 February 2016 May 2016 Present Stakeholder input Adoption of strategic plan
What we have achieved so far Reorganization of Board Membership and Meetings (October 2017) Organizational Restructure (in process) Executive Leadership (September 2016) Hosting and Auspice (May 2016) Communications (April 2017)
Most Recent Accomplishments Board nominations and seating of new Advisory Board Passage of revised bylaws Enhanced communications Social media presence Tagline Leadership. Partnership. Workforce Development. 2017 Highlights Report New website
Grants/Contracts Update 2018-2020 Title IV-E Stipend Program and 2019 RTA Coordination contracts submitted to CDSS. Dean Edelson is brokering a meeting between the UC Office of the President and CDSS re: indirect costs on future contracts. Bay Area MSW Stipend Program completed first year. Latinx Center for Excellence completed first year of evaluation.
Program Updates Departure of Dr. Sandhya Rao Hermon in early March Interim team leads--Dr. Mike Sumner and Tenia Davis Renewed discussion of funding the Statewide MHSA Workforce Education & Training (WET) Program CalSWEC is moving to Haviland Hall in fall 2018! Staff Departures
Important Next Steps Convene newly-restructured permanent committees Capacity Building & Planning Research and Evaluation Policy and Advocacy Create a sustainability plan for CalSWEC Review membership dues/structure Craft a formal development plan Continue to “connect the dots” between emerging trends and social work workforce development needs.