Run of Show Introduction Grantee Presenter Introductions 1:28 Webinar Objectives 2:20 Value of Performance Reporting 3:40 Polling Question 10:50 Performance Data Outcomes as of 12-31-2018 12:55 Basic Performance Outcomes 13:22 Participants Served Over Time 14:36 Participants Began Training Over Time 15:05 Special Populations Served Over Time 15:34 Grantee Targets, Participants Served 16:24 Participant Training Outcomes 19:20 Completed Training by Race 19:25 Completed Training by Veterans Status 21:25 Completed Training by Education Level 22:23 Completed Training by Employment Status 24:06 Training Service by Gender 25:30 Questions 26:45 Performance Data Progress Indicator Tool 35:52 Performance FAQs 40:12 Deb Waymire, Region 4 Workforce Board 50:35 Evaluation Updates 58:28 Contact Information 1:09:38 Executive Summary America’s Promise Data-Driven Decision Making: Using Data for Strategic Planning Date: April 24, 2019 Moderator(s): Gregory Scheib Speaker(s): Timmy Dudley, Megan Lizik, Kevin Mauro, Rob Santillano, Deborah Waymire This webinar provided an opportunity for America’s Promise grantees to take a look at the most recent Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) data and discuss promising practices on using grant program data to asses progress. We explored how this information can be used to monitor quarterly performance outcomes and make changes where needed to maintain and grow workforce development strategies. Participants were provided an example of a simple tool to analyze data for program improvement. Timmy Dudley, Performance Analyst, ICF, reviewed program data outcomes for specific populations. Megan Lizik, Evaluation Team Manager, DOL, provided an overview of the evaluation process. Kevin Mauro, Performance Analyst, High Impact Partners, reviewed aggregate program data outcomes and shared how to use the sample data tool. Rob Santillano, Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research, shared details on the purpose of the evaluation and expected timeline. Deborah Waymire, Chief Operating Officer, Region 4 Workforceboard, shared the tools that her America’s Promise grant uses to analyze program data.