Community Based Assessments The Office of Special Education (OSEP) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C requires that each state develops a system of general supervision to ensure compliance with Federal statues and regulations
Effective System of General Supervision Supports practices that improve developmental results and functional outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families Uses multiple methods to identify noncompliance and correct it a soon as possible but no later than one year after the noncompliance is identified Utilizes mechanisms to encourage and support improvement and to enforce compliance
Community Based Assessment Onsite Visit Follow up Activity Timeline Entity Responsible Report of Discoveries sent to FIT Provider Agency Within 20 working days of the CBA FIT Program Written Plan of Correction (POC) responding to the Report of Discoveries sent to FIT Program Within 10 days from receipt of written Report of Discoveries FIT Provider Agency POC is reviewed and accepted or denied Written documentation of completion of all activities on the POC is submitted to FIT Program Within 45 days of the report of findings The FIT Provider Coordinator will follow up with agency to ensure correction of noncompliance Within period specified in the CBA report of discoveries