National Plan of Action to End Violence Against Women and Children 2017/18-2021/22 MoHCDGEC November,2017
Introduction Tanzania being among 4 pathfinder countries in the world to spearhead effort to end violence against children on 13th December, 2016 officially launched the NPA-VAWC 2017/18 – 2021/22. The Plan was launched by Hon. Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children on behalf of Hon. Vice President of United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Samia Suluhu Hassan The launching was attended by 11 Ministries and stakeholders responsible for implementing policies in women and children welfare and development.
NPA-VAWC Development The Plan was developed through a consultative and comprehensive process drawing reflection on innovative measures to address violence against women and children in Tanzania indicated in the Sustainable Development Goals (2030); Africa Development Agenda (2063); National Development Vision(2025); and National Five Years Development Plan II. The Plan’s development merged the interventions which were initially implemented through eight (8) Plans to end violence against women and children. These Plans include: National Plan of Action to Respond and Prevent Violence Against Children 2013-2016; National Coasted Plan of Action to support Vulnerable Children (2013-2017);
NPA-VAWC Development ... National Plan of Action to eradicate violence against women and children (2000- 2015); National Plan of Action to Prevent Female Genital Mutilation (2000 – 2015); Plan of Action to Eradicate Children Hazardous Work (2009- 2014); Plan of Action for Human Ant-Trafficking (2013 – 2017); Child Justice Strategy (2013-2017); and Plan of Action to operationalize Women and Children Police Desk (2012 – 2016). Child Labor - 2009
MISSION AND GOAL Mission Prevent and respond to all forms of violence against women and children through comprehensive mult-sectoral collaboration at all levels. Main Goal of the Plan To put in place collective strategic interventions that will bring about significant reduction of incidences of violence against women and children by 50% come 2021/22. Implementation Period of the Plan The plan’s implementation will cover a Five years period from 2017/18 – 2021/22.
REASONS FOR PLACING women and children TOGETHER Violence in the society affects mostly women and children at high prevalence level. Services they need are almost the same e.g. Health, legal and psychological support Infrastructures like safe houses and drop out centres are used by the same group of victims Both groups depend on the same types of service providers like doctors, police, lawyers and etc The composition of members in all committee related to women and children matters at all level are the same groups of people
The actionable areas are referred as THEMATIC AREAS NPA VAWC KEY AREAS OF IMPLEMENTATION During the preparation of NPA- VAWC, stakeholders identified 8 actionable areas to address issues regarding violence against Women and Children The actionable areas are referred as THEMATIC AREAS Government and stakeholders will discuss technical issues in ending violence against women and children in their respective areas for mutual understanding and benefit to Women and Children
8 -Thematic Areas of NPA-VAWC I. Household Economic strengthening – The plan envisages to strengthen economic status of women and poor families by providing opportunities for better life including: Increased employment opportunities; Improved women’s access to capital and revenues; and Expanded investments in the local community. These efforts in turn brings about reduced risks of violence on children.
Thematic Areas ... Household Economic strengthening – Poverty Related VAWC operational targets includes Increase women accessing financial services from 51% to 65% (VICOBA, SACCOS) Reduce 35,916 children living in the street by half Reduce child labour from 29% to 9% Increase education support for girls from poor families from 23% to 53%
Thematic Areas ... II. Norms and Values The plan seeks to modify harmful gender norms that perpetuate harmful traditional practices such as FGM and child marriage, as well as parenting norms that condone physical and emotional violence against children or that result in violation cases going un- reported. Operational target Reduce physical violence from 39% to 10% to women aged 15 – 49 Reduce emotional violence from 36% to 18% Reduce teenage pregnancies 27% to 5% Reduce FGM from 11% to 5%
Thematic Areas ... III. Parenting, Family Support and Relationships In this area, the NPA-VAWC priority is to invest in early childhood, adolescent and parenting programmes including school readiness as well as strengthening family support. Teaching positive parenting to enhance equitable relationship between men and women and between children and those who care for them Operational target Increase parenting skills to parents and other care givers from 72% districts to 113 Increase under five childhood development and stimulation programmes/services by 50% from 122,500 children
Thematic Areas ... IV. Implementation and Enforcement of Laws The Plan’s focus here is to ensure the legal system is responsive to the needs of women, children in different situations and other vulnerable groups. (Child marriage, inheritance) The Plan’s prioritizes the review of some of laws to protect women and children against violence. Operational Target Reduce length of VAWC judicial proceedings from 4 years to 12 months Increase VAW cases conviction from 8% to 50% Increase VAC cases conviction from 7% to 50%
Thematic Areas ... V. Response and Support Services The NPA-VAWC has set a comprehensive and protection system, delivering coordinated quality and timely support to women and children affected by violence. (Child labor, street children, refugees) Operational Target Reduce child Labour from 29% to 9% Increase the proportion of VAC survivors who experienced any violence and reported within 72 hours after an event from 30% to 65% Roll out Police Gender and Children Desk from 417 police station to 600
Thematic Areas ... VI. Safe Schools and Life Skills The Plan intends to eliminate all forms of violence within educational settings Allow children and young people (including children with disabilities) to realize their full potentials. Help children develop life skills to enhance their own protection and stay safe at school, learn discipline. Ensuring that schools have a referral system for children in need of response services; Introducing the positive parenting curriculum; promoting child participation through establishing children’s clubs in schools
Thematic Areas ... Operational Target on Safe Schools and Life Skills Reduce dropout due to pregnancy cases by half from 251 and 3,439 in primary and secondary school respectively Increase children’s clubs in schools from 398 to 13,200 Increase schools teaching life skills from 0% to 70% Increase sanitary towels support to girls from poor families from 1% to 20%
Thematic Areas ... VII. Safe Environment in public spaces This focuses on preventing risk factors for violence to women and children in public spaces through enactment of by-laws at LGAs level; reviewing regulations for operating leisure activities to ensure children involvement hence reinforcing positive behavior. It advocates for safeguarding all areas where women and children frequently attend in pursuit of their routines. Operational Target Increase proportional of councils with active community VAWC prevention programs Reduce sexual violence from 17.2% to 8%
Thematic Areas ... VIII. Strengthen Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation This intends to improve availability of reliable and quality data on VAWC to measure progress on NPA – VAWC implementation. Joint and comprehensive coordination, monitoring and evaluation of NPA- VAWC is expected to increase efficiency in terms of cost reduction and ensure effective budgeting and reporting of VAWC interventions. Operational Target Increase VAWC baseline and target data for informed decision from 24% to 85%
Progress on the implementation of the NPA VAWC To Date Training of some CDOs and SWOs from all Regions in Tanzania Mainland on NPA - VAWC Raise awareness to Ministry of Finance and Planning Officers during 2017/18 budget preparation sessions; Dissemination and distribution of the NPA – VAWC to different stakeholders; Translation of NPA – VAWC into Swahili version for easier implementation at lower level; Preparation of the Guidelines for NPA - VAWC implementation from National level to Local Government Level
Progress on the implementation…….. On Going Activities: Preparation of NPA-VAWC Communication Strategy; and Development of NPA - VAWC Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is underway. Printing and dissemination of the Guideline Strengthening and merging existing commitees
Areas OF FOCUS BEFORE 1QR Progrss Reporting To train TOTs for dissemination of NPA – VAWC and Coordination Guideline at national, regions, districts, wards and villages levels; To convene TWG meeting to share reporting template before first reporting period on October, 2017; To finalize the VAWC Monitoring and Evaluation Plan; To finalize NPA- VAWC Communication Strategy; and
Challenges For NPA - VAWC implementation The main challenge for NPA - VAWC is inadequate resources to spearhead its implementation for year, this include: Financial resources for implementation of thematic areas at National and Local Government level; Working tools for coordination, implementation and monitoring the plan, including: transport facilities, computers and printers; and High demand for human resources and capacity building of implementers at national and lower level.
To end violence against Women and children in Tanzania Let us Join Hands To end violence against Women and children in Tanzania AHSANTENI!