What’s lurking in the garden? Reception Term 5 project map Personal, Social and Emotional We’ll be remembering to be kind, and thinking about how we can be kind to our community and environment. We’ll be developing our global citizenship and helping keep our school clean and tidy. Maths We’ll be investigating number bonds to 10. We’ll be learning how to double and to record this as a number sentence. We’ll also be learning how to find half of a group of objects. Physical We’ll be going outside for P.E and playing team games. We’ll use our ball skills to play tennis, football and catching games. We’ll cheer each other on and accept when we don’t always win. What’s lurking in the garden? Reception Term 5 project map Understanding the World We’ll watch our tadpoles and caterpillars grow and change. We will plant lots of beans and seeds and take responsibility for looking after them. We will learn about keeping our school, community and planet healthy. Communication & Language We’ll be using our language skills to talk about past, present and future events. We’ll be exploring growth and change in animals and plants, and talking about how we have grown and changed. Expressive Art and Design We’ll be role playing and investigating with garden tools, plants, seeds and soil. We’ll be mixing potions in the mud kitchen and designing posters to keep our school tidy. Literacy We’ll be learning lots more camera words and beginning phase 4 phonics. We will be writing descriptive sentences using adjectives and connectives to improve our writing.