The Effects of Beam Dynamics on CLIC Physics Potential


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Presentation transcript:

The Effects of Beam Dynamics on CLIC Physics Potential Miniworkshop on Machine and Physics Aspects of CLIC Based Future Collider Options (Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO), CERN, 30 August 2004. The Effects of Beam Dynamics on CLIC Physics Potential O. Çakır1, H. Karadeniz2, Z. Kırca3, E. Recepoğlu2, B.B. Şirvanlı4, İ. Türk Çakır2 with the contributions from Daniel Schulte (CERN) 1 Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey 2 TAEK-ANAEM, Ankara, Turkey 3 Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey 4 Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) (Basic parameters [1] , numbers in italic denote 2003 update [2] ) Center of mass energy, s=0.5, 1, 3 and 5 TeV Luminosity (in 1% of energy), L=(1.5, 1.5, 3.2 and 2.4) x 1034 cm-2s-1 Collision freq. fcoll=frep.kb=(200, 150, 100, 50)x154Hz Number of particles/bunch, N =(4, 4, 4, 4)x109 Hor. beam size, x=(202, 115, 60, 31)nm Vert. beam size, y=(1.2, 1.75, 0.7, 0.78)nm Bunch length, z=(35, 30, 35, 25)m Trans. emitt. x-comp., x=(200, 130, 68, 78)x10-8rad.m Trans. emitt. y-comp., y=(1, 2, 1, 2)x10-8 rad.m Energy spread, E/E=(0.25, 0.7, 0.35, 0.7)% Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Limitations on the parameters from beam dynamics (1) Luminosity, L=HD N2frep nb /(4xy) where x,y~x,yx,y / and Nfrepnb ~P. Typically transverse emittancesare xy , and -functions x y , therefore x y ; nominal parameters are x=60nm , y =0.7nm for 3 TeV design. Beam-beam effects: Beamstrahlung, is a process of energy loss by the incoming electron due to its interaction with the electron (positron) bunch moving in the opposite direction, the parameter =2ħc/3E0 ,  ~ 8 for CLIC 3 TeV, the interest for physics L1=L(Ecm0.99*Ecm,0), current parameters n/e=1.7, E/E20%, L1  0.4*L Coherent (e+e-) pairs from photons, at CLIC ~108 pairs/bunch-crossing increase backgrounds Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Limitations on the parameters from beam dynamics (2) Beam delivery system: due to synchrotron radiation in the bends, quadrupoles and multipoles decrease in the luminosity ~1.7 factor Spread in the c.m. energy, Intrinsic beam energy spread (for Gaussian) ~ 0.3%--1% Initial state radiation (ISR) is a process of photon radiation by the incoming electron due to its interaction with other collision particle, with the scale factor . Beamstrahlung with the parameters Nc and . (long tail down to large energy losses), Another issue is due to error in the calibration of the beam energy Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 e+e- luminosity spectrum obtained from GUINEA-PIG for two values of beam energy spread E/E L=2.7x1034 cm-2s-1 Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 In the collision, beam particles lose energy because of beamstrahlung. This limits the maximum luminosity that can be achieved at the nominal cms energy. For some fixed parameters, the beamstrahlung is a function of the horizontal beam size [3]. Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 A larger horizontal beam size leads to the emission of fewer beamstrahlung photons and consequently to a better luminosity spectrum. However, total luminosity is reduced. Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 e- luminosity spectrum* For a dedicated experiment one can convert only one electron beam, increase the distance between the conversion and the interaction points and obtain a more monochromatic e spectrum with suppressed low energy part (x=We/Ecm,0). Distance from conversion point to IP, b=1 cm. Lgeom=1.2x1035 cm-2s-1. *Luminosity spectrum from a simulation program for TESLA (D. Schulte PhD Thesis, 1996) Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Resonance production of excited electrons [2] A typical consequence of compositeness is the appearance of excited leptons (l*) and quarks (q*). Production via ee* and subsequent decays e*e (0.28), e*eZ (0.11) and e*W (0.61) Current limits on the masses: m*>223 GeV from single production assuming f=f’=/m* [HERA], and m*>100 GeV from pair production [LEP]. Relatively small limits for excited muon and tau m*>94.2 GeV [LEP] Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Excited lepton-lepton-gauge boson interaction vertices are implemented into the MC event generator Total decay widths: =1.15 GeV at m*=200 GeV  /m*=0.57% =3.38 GeV at m*=500 GeV  /m*=0.68% =6.93 GeV at m*=1 TeV  /m*=0.69% =20.92 GeV at m*=3 TeV  /m*=0.70% =34.88 GeV at m*=5 TeV  /m*=0.70% Narrow width: If we take =5 TeV, ’/m*=0.028% for m*=1 TeV. Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Excited electrons can be observed down to the couplings f=f’=0.05 at √s=1 TeV and f=f’=0.1 at √s=3 TeV. Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Single production of excited electron at CLIC with √s=500 GeV [4]. e+e-e*e+e-e+ Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Statistical significances depending on the mass of excited electron for different coupling parameters. Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Single production of excited neutrino at CLIC with √s=500 GeV [5]. e+e-*e+e-W+e+ Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Statistical significances depending on the mass of excited neutrino for different coupling parameters. Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Effects of the ISR+beamstrahlung (on the cross sections) and luminosity (on the number of events) m*=450 GeV ISR+ Beams. L1(E/E=1%) [L0.7(E/E=0.7%)] Resonance, ee*lV 30% at res. 47% (43%) Single e*, * e+e-e*e+ , e+e-* 6% - [-] Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 Conclusion Resonance productions of e* at CLIC based e colliders have been studied to see the effects of the parameter limitations from the beam dynamics. For the completeness, single production of excited electrons and neutrinos have also been studied at CLIC e+e- . Further studies on the resonances(for example: bileptons L--) in e-e- collisions are continuing. Full simulations including the beam-beam interaction using GUINEA-PIG and interface with the event generators (PYTHIA) and detector simulation (SIMDET or GEANT4) using CALYPSO and HADES are under study. Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004

Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004 References R.W. Assmann et al., A 3 TeV e+e- Linear Collider Based on CLIC Technology, CERN-2000-008, p.73, (2000) E. Accomando et al., Physics at the CLIC Multi-TeV Linear Collider, CERN-2004-005, p.179, (2004) Daniel Schulte, CLIC: Beam Dynamics and Limitations on Main Parameters , in this workshop. O. C,Çakır, A. Yılmaz and S. Sultansoy, single production of excited electrons at future ee ep and pp colliders, hep-ph/0403307 (2004) O. Çakır, İ. Türk Çakır, Z. Kırca, single production of excited neutrinos at future ee ep and pp colliders, hep-ph/0408171 (2004) Orhan Cakir Miniworkshop on MPACBFCO, CERN, 30 August 2004