Meeting of the Strategic Development Group Point 1.2: Lessons derived of the crisis for EU-SILC 17 June 2009 Strategic Development Group
Strategic Development Group Background Strong policy demand, reinforced by the economic crisis More Timely indicators (SILC data of N-2) Data coverage (most vulnerable) What could be done? 17 June 2009 Strategic Development Group
Harmonisation of fieldwork periods 2 countries with continuous surveys (IE, UK) 3 countries with survey at end of year (BE, IT, SE) But 18 countries ends by August 17 June 2009 Strategic Development Group
Strategic Development Group Quick results Add a couple of simple income variables to be transmitted quickly Separate the transmission of monetary and non-monetary variables Use of a sub-sample? Other ideas? 17 June 2009 Strategic Development Group
Conclusions of the Living Conditions Working Group (10-12 June) SILC: structural survey – cannot produce timely information Sub-sample: rejected Better coordination of fieldwork periods: margin for progress limited Addition of simple income questions: diverging views Non-monetary/financial stress data: preferred option (but consequences on the overall SILC timing) Other possibilities proposed: Implementation of a Eurobarometer survey/Use of micro-simulation models 17 June 2009 Strategic Development Group
Strategic Development Group Conclusion The SDG is invited to: Express views on the four proposed routes for improving timeliness Make additional proposals Discuss about next steps 17 June 2009 Strategic Development Group