Brieana Reed-Harmel, Broadband Project Manager Award of Contract Fiber-to-the-Premises Broadband Network Design, Engineering and Construction Services Brieana Reed-Harmel, Broadband Project Manager June 5, 2018
PRESENTATION PURPOSE Provide information on the Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) Broadband Network Design, Engineering and Construction Services Request for Proposal (RFP) and the evaluation process 1 2 Share our selection process for identifying a vendor for the contract award 3 Receive approval of Resolution for the Notice of Award
AGENDA Project Overview RFP Recap City Team Scoring Summary Next Steps
PROJECT OVERVIEW December 12, 2017 February 20, 2018 April 12, 2018 Broadband Task Force recommended the City pursue community broadband by taking several actions, including issuing and completing an RFP for a build-ready network design February 20, 2018 Council appropriated $2.2M on second reading for completion of a build-ready network design April 12, 2018 Received 12 responses to RFP for Fiber-to-the-Premises Broadband Network Design, Engineering and Construction Services
RFP RECAP Only upon green light Progressive Design/Build process broken into two phases: Phase 1 – Design Design Review of Design Permit Identification Only upon green light Phase 2 – Construction Permit Preparation and Submittal Construction Quality Control and Testing Information from the Phase 1 – Design will be used to inform the final business plan, financial plan, and bonding. At the City’s discretion, and upon agreement with the contractor, the current contract may be extended to include Phase 2 – Construction
EVALUATION TEAM EMPLOYEE TITLE / DEPARTMENT Brieana Reed-Harmel Broadband Project Manager, Water and Power Steve Adam City Manager, Executive Joe Bernosky Director, Water and Power Bill Westbrook Director, Information Technology Colman Keane Loveland Broadband Consultant, EPB Ryan Greene Electrical Engineer, Water and Power Kim O’Field Technical Specialist, Water and Power
Design and Construction Performance EVALUATION CRITERIA WEIGHT QUALIFICATION STANDARD 2 Scope of Proposal Does the proposal address all elements of the RFP? Does the proposal show an understanding of the project objectives, methodology to be used and results/outcomes required by the project? Are there any exceptions to the Scope of Work or agreement? Assigned Personnel Do the persons who will be working on the project have the necessary skills and qualifications? Are sufficient people of the requisite skills and qualifications assigned to the project? 1 Safety Record “OSHA Illness/Injury Rate”, “OSHA Lost Work Day Incidence Rate” and Workers Compensation Experience Modification Rate Insurance Multiplier. Are these rates reasonable for industry? Firm Experience Has the firm worked on projects similar in scope to this project? Has partnering been used on other projects? Does the firm have the experience necessary for this project? Availability Can the work be completed in the necessary time? Can the target start and completion dates be met? Are other qualified personnel available to assist in meeting the project schedule if required? Is the project team available to attend meetings as required by the Scope of Work? Cost and Work Hours Does the proposal include detailed cost break-down for each cost element as applicable and are the line-item costs competitive? Do the proposed cost and work hours compare favorably with the Project Manager’s estimate? Are the work hours presented reasonable for the effort required by each project task or phase? Are the cost factors presented in the proposal reflective of industry standards? Do they offer a reasonable way to approach development of the system? Firm Capability Does the firm have the resources, financial strength, capacity and support capabilities required to successfully complete the project on-time and in-budget? Has the firm successfully completed previous projects of this type and scope? Design and Construction Performance Do the referenced projects reflect favorably in respect to completion within the contract schedule, cost control and claims?
SCORING SUMMARY Previous contract prohibited bid EVALUATION Vendor 1 STAGE 1 - RFP WEIGHT Scope of Proposal 2 6 8 5 4 Assigned Personnel 3 Safety Record 1 3.5 2.5 Firm Experience 7 Availability Cost and Work Hours Firm Capability Design and Construction Performance TOTAL STAGE 1 39 37.5 44 41 30 29 27 26.5 22 21 STAGE 2 - Interview Culture Detailed Cost 0.5 Experience 1.5 TOTAL STAGE 2 51 48.5 47 46.5 STAGE 3 - References References TOTAL STAGE 3 54.5 52.5 Previous contract prohibited bid
SCORING SUMMARY Two hour interviews conducted with top four scoring vendors Supplemental information requested from each vendor following interviews Supplemental information evaluated and top vendors identified for further consideration and references References reviewed and top vendor identified, in person meeting completed with key personnel of top vendor
NEXT STEPS Kickoff Meeting Timeline Milestones Communication Plan Fundamental Design Concepts
SUMMARY As a result of a selection process we have determined a preferred vendor, Nokia with Bear Communications Requesting City Council to approve the notice of award for Fiber-to-the-Premises Broadband Network Design, Engineering and Construction Services to Nokia with Bear Communications and authorize the City Manager to sign the two vendor contracts