Parish Safety Induction Jan 2019
Safety within the Parish Welcome to the Anglican Church Southern Queensland (ACSQ). ACSQ is committed to ensuring that all our Parishes and those who help us provide valuable services can do so safely. We all play a valuable role in managing safety within the Parish.
Parish Safety Management System All safety documents can be found on the: ACSQ Website Hard copy – Parish Safety Management System Folder Safety Manual Summary ( Ref guide) Safety Manual, contains all safety procedures and forms for use in the Parish 15 minute activity then present back. Note issues raised and shared opportunities
Safety within the Parish The Parish has a duty to ensure everyone is aware of their responsibilities for safety. Safety plays a role in all activities within the Parish. How can you play a part? You must take reasonable care of your safety and the safety of others. How do you do this? Think about the task or activity, how can you do it safely so your actions do not affect your safety or the safety of others? If you notice something unsafe, and you can not fix it, who would you report it to?
Hazards What is a hazard? A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm to a person e.g. A damaged chair, or flooring may cause a fall or trip resulting in serious injury. Remember: If you notice a hazard, fix it. If you cannot fix it, then report it immediately. Where will you find the Hazard Report Form? Who will I report hazards to in the Parish?
Incidents What is an incident? An unplanned event which could cause injury e.g. trip or slip, cut or bruise. If an incident occurs, please report it using the Parish Incident Report Form. Where will you find the Incident Report Form? Who will I report the incident to in the Parish?
If an injury occurs… Clergy and paid employees are covered under WorkCover for lost time and medical expenses. Parishioners assisting the Parish are covered under the Diocese Public Liability insurance. Please refer to the Safety Induction Booklet for further details.
Site-specific Risks We have a responsibility to ensure everyone is aware of known risks within the Parish that cannot be eliminated. Your induction pack gives important advice on how to avoid and manage hazards specific to the Parish. Common hazards can be managed by: Electrical – do not use double adaptors Slips and trips – do not stand on chairs Manual Tasks – lift using safe lifting techniques Personal security – agreeing a check in/out process
Emergency & Evacuation In the event of an emergency at the Parish or during an activity, you must follow the instruction of Parish Leaders: Stay calm and remove persons from immediate danger Call Emergency Services on ‘000’ Delegate people to assist mobility impaired persons Move to the Assembly Area, await Emergency Services Where will I find the following for my Parish? Evacuation assembly area Emergency Response Poster First Aid Kit
Fire-fighting Equipment Each building is fitted with fire extinguishers and/or fire hoses, fire blankets where required. These must be regularly maintained. The location of fire equipment is displayed on the Emergency Evacuation Diagrams. The panel sign above each item shows what type of fires it can be used on, and how to use it. Safe evacuation of all persons is the first priority
Types of Fire-fighting Equipment Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Extinguisher (Red with a white band) Carbon Dioxide (C02) Extinguisher (Red with a black band and a large black nozzle)
Using Fire Extinguishers - PASS The PASS method is used when operating a fire extinguisher: P - Pull the pin A - Aim at the base of the fire S - Squeeze the handle S - Sweep the nozzle from side to side The following is important to remember when using an extinguisher: Extinguishers are only for use on small fires. They will last approximately 15 - 30 seconds. Always keep a clear path to the exit behind you Fire starts very quickly, if you cannot immediately extinguish it, it is too late.
Fire Equipment Refer to the Parish Safety Induction Booklet for further information if required: REMEMBER: Your life and the lives of your workers and parishioners are the first concern. EVACUATE FIRST
Using Fire Extinguishers - PASS https://youtube/k5HNHUGCFZw
Any Questions? Last steps: You will be given or emailed a copy of the Parish Safety Induction Booklet. It is your responsibility to read this in your own time. If you have any questions, please discuss with the Priest or Parish Leader or contact the WHS Team on 07-3835 2315 or email Please complete the acknowledgement form and hand back to the Parish Leader.