A social dyslexia Scituate High School Aspergers Syndrome A social dyslexia Scituate High School
What Is It? Kids with aspergers can show unusual social styles, even lack of eye contact in interactions, or poor social skills.
Characteristics of Aspergers Difficulty making friends. Difficulty reading or communicating through non verbal social cues, such as facial expressions. Cannot read body language. Have difficulty introducing themselves into groups of people or conversations.
Characteristics of Aspergers Limited understanding that others may have thoughts or feelings different from his own. Inflexibility about routines, especially when changes occur unexpectedly.
Characteristics of Aspergers Unusual curiosity about their environment. Obsessive focus on a narrow interest. Sensitivity to loud noises, crowded places and touch. Lack of organizational abilities.
Interventions What can you do? Invite them to join in the conversation. Expect low points in the conversation, you may have to pick up the slack. Don’t assume they can read your body language. Be Direct. Explain your feelings. Don’t overwhelm them.