Share a lesson Teacher Students Talk us through the procedural parts of the lesson. Try to give an insight into your reasons for planning your lesson the way you did, Enact any significant activities / questioning / Afl in real time with us as students Pause the discussion / lesson at any time you want to discuss a key point, Look in particular at the area of teaching that you are responsible for
Success criteria for an ‘Outstanding’ Lesson I have split these criteria up into 6 categories, Each week, we will rotate which person is responsible for which category, Your job is to focus on this aspect of the lesson, asking questions and giving guidance if necessary. Planning and progress Metacognition Assessment for Learning Questioning Behaviour and Engagement Literacy / Basic skills
1. Planning and progress Learning objectives phrased as K/S/U Learning objectives are clear / manageable All tasks / outcomes clearly designed to aid progression towards objectives Three main tasks progressing towards objective Learning outcomes are stepped or graded in terms of progression towards objective Students are engaged in active 'tasks' (rather than listening / answering questions) for the majority of the lesson Students are given a success criteria, which is shared with them effectively to ensure understanding Modelling is used to demonstrate how to successfully complete a task
2. Metacognition Learning objective shared to encourage cognition Learning objective is revisited regularly throughout lesson Progress towards objective is regularly narrated, Students are encouraged to track / discuss their own progress Evidence of students responding to targets, either in books or within the lesson Peer and self-assessment is used to allow students to judge their work against a success criteria
3. Assessment for Learning Progress towards objective is ‘benchmarked’ at start of lesson Whole class AfL used to check learning Hingepoint question used to check learning Planning is adapted based on in-class assessment data Final outcome designed specifically to demonstrate achievement of the objective Plenary used at end of lesson gives conclusive data on progress An exit ticket is used that tests for achievement of the learning objective
4. Questioning Wait Time / No Opt Out used to ensure all students participate in questioning Encourages student ownership of questioning (A,B,C) Teacher holds out for complete answers to questions / holds high standards for answers Teacher uses follow up questions to challenge
5. Behaviour and engagement Lesson uses ‘hook’ to engage students in learning Strategies are used to increase engagement in the lesson, for example competition Positive framing of behavioural instruction and task instruction, Tasks are sufficiently challenging / scaffolded to suit all learners, Lesson uses variety of task types (pairs, groups, alone etc.,)
6. Literacy / Basic skills Literacy ‘Do Now’ used at the start of lesson Techniques used to ensure students are accountable during whole class reading, Techniques used to fix decoding / reading errors, Success criteria used for any extended writing task,
2 Two things that I will do in my next lesson 1 One thing that I want to focus in next month 2 Two things that I will do in my next lesson 3 Three things I learned today
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