DOLEW & Service Sponsored Transition Workshops/Seminars Department of Labor Employment Workshop DOLEW is an integral part of TGPS. It is mandated by the government and is full of useful information. The DOLEW workshop is three days long and will help prepare you for the civilian job market., You will practice interviewing and learn new ways to connect and build a network. You will also have a full day to spend incorporating your military skills, experiences and trainings into language an employer will understand. Element 18 Pg. 143 Element 18 - DOLEW
TGPS Transition Goals Plans Success Congressionally mandated program designed to help separating or retiring Service Members and their families make a smooth transition to civilian life. It is composed of several parts including MOC crosswalk, Finance and Budgeting, VA Briefings and additional workshops you may attend. The bulk of TGPS is DOLEW. SMs should attend DOLEW at least 180 days prior to separation. It is required that all TSMs attend, but there are waivers available for specific members. Check with your commander. Spouses are welcome but must sign up at the same time as TSM. Element 18 - DOLEW
DOLEW helps with: Developing and executing a job search plan, including Federal; Translating your military skills into civilian terms; Creating resumes, cover letters, and other self-marketing materials; and Engaging in successful interviews and networking conversations. Will help you prepare for the civilian job market. You will practice interviewing and learn new ways to connect and build a network. You will also have a full day to spend incorporating your military skills, experiences and trainings into language appropriate for a civilian resume. Additionally, you will receive information about the American Job Centers and advice about navigating the federal hiring system as veterans. Element 18 - DOLEW
DOLEW and CRS Completing ITP Blocks 1 and 2 Completing a job application package which includes a resume, personal and professional references, and at least two submitted job applications Identify requirements and eligibility for certification, licensure, and apprenticeship in your desired career field Element 18 - DOLEW
Additional 2 –Day Workshops Accessing Higher Education Career Exploration and Planning Entrepreneur/Boots to Business Element 18 - DOLEW
Accessing Higher Education This workshop is divided into four topic areas: Choosing a program of study, Selecting an institution of higher education Exploring funding sources, and Navigating the admission process.
Career Exploration/Planning Allows the TSM to: Create personalized career development assessments of occupational interest, aptitudes, and work values. These assessments will present workshop participants with a variety of tailored job recommendations aligned with their interests and aptitudes, some of which are classified as "high demand" or "high growth" occupations Element 18 - DOLEW
Intro to Entrepreneurship Provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Participants are introduced to the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to launch a business.
Be Prepared - Bring to Class Draft Resume DD2585 (VMET) ITP Career interest inventory assessment JST and training record Performance evaluations and Fit Reps Element 18 - DOLEW
CNIC Resources Element 18 - DOLEW
Local Resources Element 18 - DOLEW
Virtual Curriculum Transition GPS Virtual Curriculum is available online at: for Service members and their spouses who are unable to participate in the classroom training. The complete Transition GPS Virtual Curriculum is available online 24/7 through Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) for Service members and their spouses who are unable to participate in the classroom training. Element 18 - DOLEW
Available on Amazon Available free on Kindle Element 18 - DOLEW
Summary DOLEW helps prepare you for the civilian job market Three additional Career Track workshops are available Come prepared Lots of resources available
Questions? Element 18 - DOLEW
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