RDA Europe funding Collaboration Projects (testing/adopting RDA Outputs) Peter Wittenburg
1st Call for Collaboration Projects testing & adopting RDA WG outputs small 6 months projects building on existing infrastructures max. amount of funding 15.000 € 25 applications 7 passed criteria (certainly not enough!) currently working on administrative details in April 2nd call
Data Citation for the Argo data sets RDA Output Adoption: Dynamic Data Citation Floats generate Dynamic Data at unpredictable moments How to cite such time series data? ARGO Team will interact with CrossRef and DataCite to agree on a common syntax for citation. Then they will systematically adapt their methods and software to test and support DDCit recommendations.
Implement Wheat WG Recommendations RDA Output Adoption: Wheat Data Interoperability guidelines include metadata recommendations for phenotypes based on ontologies for data annotations implement these recommendations share public data sets as RDF assertions in SPRAQL endpoint making it queryable included are experimental data from 6 locations measured over 15 years
Integration of MDSD and DMPOnline RDA Output Adoption: Metadata Standards Directory DMPOnline allows users to create Data Management Plans by linking with MDSD a range of metadata schema options are given while filling in the DMP is a step to machine readable DMPs
Common Semantic Foundation RDA Output Adoption: Data Foundation and Terminology a deep analysis of 2 well-known repositories based on DFT data organisation principles a gap analysis will be made vis-à-vis the Data Fabric concept goal is higher degree of data and service interoperability wrt. metadata, PIDs and data collections
Query Store for the VAMDC infrastructure RDA Output Adoption: Dynamic Data Citation VAMDC is offering A&M data set via a single database citation via DB queries to satisfy DDCit recommendation a query store needs to be built and integrated with PIDs.
Data-Interlinking Integration in OpenAire RDA Output Adoption: Publishing Data Service creations of links between datasets and publications for a larger audience, through a system of references DLI Service will be promoted to a production level
Systematic use of PIDs in Armenia RDA Output Adoption: PID Information Types & DTR building the national Armenian –Infrastructure systematically introduce the use of PIDs in DM and DA first in Life Sciences GRNet provides first basic infrastructure