Semester System In Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan HEC Draft Policy Guidelines (May 2008)
Background Deliberated on two systems (Annual and Semester) Different forms of semester (Bisemester, Trisemester, and term system) in HEI National Committee on Examination System (NCES) formed by HEC NECS Recommended some improvements
Course Load per Semester Structure Bachelors Masters Total Credits 124-136 30 (24+6) Semester Duration 16-18 Weeks Course Duration 8 Semesters (3.5 – 4 Years) 1.5 – 2 Years Summer session 1-2 per Academic year Course Load per Semester 15-18 Credit Hrs 9-12 Credit Hrs
Course Layout for Undergraduate Students Between 124-136 Credit hours are required for UG Degree 51-63 Credit hours should be taken in courses prescribed as major 34 Credit hours must be earned taking courses outside the major but within the same school as major 30 Credit hours must be earned taking multi-disciplinary courses outside the school of major.
Credit Hours One credit hour for theory= 50 minutes per week One credit hour for lab/project work = Two hours per week 3(3-0) means three contact hours 4(3-1) means six contact hours
Degree Program for UG Students Students who have done 2 years in Annual System (BA, BSc etc) and want to go for Bachelor Honors….. 2 years in Annual system= 60 Credit hours 64-76 Credit hours should be completed for Bachelor Honors Program Student with 2 years bachelor degree in arts many not be eligible for Bachelor Honors in Sciences, But a 2 years bachelor degree in Science may be eligible for BBA Institute must develop their own criteria for this
Degree Program for Graduate Students Students who have done 2 years in Annual System (BA, BSc etc) and want to go for Masters program 2 years in Annual system= 60 Credit hours May be enrolled into Masters directly by offering 94-106 Credit hours. Subject to the following Complete 64-76 as UG Complete another 30 for Masters. Institute is obliged to issue a Bachelor Honors degree after completing the UG requirement and then Masters
Semesters Fall and Spring semesters every year (16-18 weeks) May offer one or two summer session of 8 weeks with double contact hours
Course Load for Fall/Spring Regular UG student required to take 12 Credit hours, but can take maximum 18 Credit hours if C.GPA > 3.5 Regular Graduate student is required to take 9 Credit hours but can take maximum 12 if he meets the above condition HoD may allow a student in last semester to take maximum Credit hours
Course Load for Summer Regular UG student can take 6 Credit hours Regular Graduate student can take 6 Credit hours
Academic Calendar Semester starting date Holiday during semester Semester termination date Final Exam week Grade notification date
Withdrawal / Change Of Course A student with the consent of Dean Allowed to change a course with 7 days of commencement of semester Allowed to drop a course within 2 week from commencement of semester Withdrawal is allowed latest by 15th week, under approval from HoD and Dean. Grade for it will be W instead of F
Repeating Courses Students failing with F have to repeat the course when offered UG students may repeat a course with Grade D Institution may define a limit to repeat the courses (<=6) For the same course old grade will be substituted with new grade
Repeating Courses Graduate students may repeat a course with Grade C Institution may define a limit to repeat the courses (<=3)
Attendance Attendance is mandatory in semester system Institutes may develop a policy for attendance to obtain a grade (70 %)
Examination Nature of Exam Course with Lab Course without Lab Quizzes 5-10 % 5-15 % Mid Semester 20-30 % 30-40% Assignments Practical Project 10-20 % - Final 40-50 %
Examination Policy For missed quizzes marks are zero while for other missed components make-up tests, assignments, projects can be arranged No Supplementary/Special exam for students who fail the course, they are required to repeat it
Grading Policy Relative grading is recommended Screening students according to their performance relative to their peers
C.GPA For Degree Completion Minimum C.GPA of 2.0 for Undergraduate degree Minimum C.GPA of 2.5 for Graduate degree During the semester If C.GPA falls below 2.0 or 2.5 Issue first probation If no improvement issue Last probation Still no improvement drop from the institute
Transfer of Credits Every university will develop its own criteria No credit hours will be transferred if grade is less than C for UG and B for graduate students
Award of Degree 124-130 Credit hours of UG degree, or minimum 60 credit hours in case of transfer of credits from other university 30 (24+6) Credit hours for graduate degree, 6 Credit hours of research is mandatory for Masters/Mphil levels Exemption from research can only be allowed for Master/Mphil with the permission for HoD
Student Grievances Against Instructor All HEI should have 3 member committee headed by senior faculty Student must approach the head of the institute with 5 days of receiving the grade Committee shall hear both sides (student + instructor) and decide in 5 days Departmental faculty headed by senior faculty shall check few papers randomly for uniformity
Courses on Pass/Fail Basis Courses on Pass/Fail basis can only be taken in Electives Grade shall not be counted towards GPA/C.GPA Maximum 9 Credit hours can be taken on this basis Failures have to repeat the same course NO course can be taken on this basis in Masters/Mphil
Cancellation Of Admission If a student fails to attend classes during first four weeks of semester, his/her admission shall stand cancelled automatically without notification
Course File To maintain a course file is compulsory for Instructors Course contents Course coding Weekly teaching schedule Dates of Midterm exam Grading policy for quizzes, assignments etc Copy of each assignment Copy of each Quiz Copy of Midterm Exam Grading sheets of the course Difficulties/Problems during course delivery
Freezing Of Semester Student can freeze a semester and retake admission in the same semester No freezing during the semester Maximum duration of program remains same HEI may develop criteria for freezing a semester
Teacher Evaluation Evaluation by students preferably done on-line Must be in the last week of the semester Shall be shared with the instructor Evaluations must be completely anonymous
More Recommendations To evolve an effective, reliable, valid, secure and transparent examination system, pertinent training for Controller of Exams to junior clerks in Exam Department should be arranged Course objectives in terms of learning outcomes should be available to all concerned person including students
More Recommendations Choice of questions, 5 out of 8 should be abolished Grace marks to pass the candidate should not be allowed after 2007 Paper setting for final exam should be preferable done by a panel of 2 or more examiners
More Recommendations Questions should assess higher level of cognition Key should be prepared for the question paper. Solution along with weightage and breakdown MCQ and SEQ should be encouraged Project should be conducted by panel of examiners including external and internal
More Recommendations Complete Transparency should be adopted where students can discuss the marks awarded to them with the Instructor In case student fails, he should at least wait for six months before appearing for second chance All exams after 2007 will follow the policy of giving no choice at UG level