172d Stryker Brigade Combat Team


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Presentation transcript:

172d Stryker Brigade Combat Team Ramp Ceremony SOP

C-130 This Slide Drawn Not To Scale No Photos Allowed At Ceremony CSH T Wall T W A L Air Crew 1SG CSM C-130 SL Command 1. Soldiers are formed behind the T Walls. Command Group marches out and guides themselves to the ramp. Honor cordon marches out and guides onto the Command Group. Pallbearers march out with Chaplain in the lead. The remainder of the unit march out with 1SG and the colors. The aircraft is parked and turned off. This Slide Drawn Not To Scale 2. Before vehicle with transfer case arrives, participants stand at Parade Rest. 3. Vehicle with transfer case waits behind T Walls with soldier & radio. Soldier with radio waits with detail to inform when to move. T W A L No Photos Allowed At Ceremony Other Personnel 17 16

CSH 1SG Air Crew CSM C-130 SL Command 1. When SL observes the movement of the vehicle, the SL calls “Group Attention”, “Present Arms” and “Order Arms.” Other Personnel 17 16

C-130 CSH Other Personnel 1. Mortuary Affairs Team lowers cargo Air Crew 1SG CSM C-130 SL Command 1. Mortuary Affairs Team lowers cargo door and prepares transfer case. 2. SL marches the pallbearers and chaplain to the vehicle and gives The command “Present Arms” then “Order Arms. Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG CSM C-130 SL Command 1. To remove the transfer case, the Preparatory Command is “Ready” and then “Pull”. Be sure that your tallest Soldier is next to the 5 Ton. 2. After the transfer case leaves the vehicle, the SL gives command “Center Face” then “Turn.” The transfer case is then rotated so that feet travel first. 3. SL gives the command “Forward March.” 1SG gives the command “Honor Cordon, Attention” and “Present Arms” * 4. As the transfer case moves forward, the chaplain reads portions of Scripture (Psalm 23) *Note: FM 3-21.5 dictates that remains travel feet first with the Union over the head. Air Force Protocol dictates that remains in an aircraft travel head first. Therefore, for the short distance, two turns . Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG CSM C-130 SL Command 1. As the transfer case nears the ramp, the SL brings the detail to a halt. The transfer case is again turned and moved forward into the aricraft. Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG C-130 CSM SL Command 1. When transfer case enters plane and stops, 1SG gives the command “Order Arms” SL gives the command “Center Face” and then the command “Lower Casket” and places the transfer case on the “truck”. BN CSM then proceeds to the top of the ramp and says, “Honor cordon may fallout and fall in around ramp to observe prayer.” Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG C-130 SL Command CSM 1. Chaplain gives two minute prayer. 2. At the conclusion of the prayer, the CSM directs Soldiers to fallback to honor cordon. Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG C-130 SL Command 1. SL gives the command “Ready Face” and Soldiers turn towards the rear of the aircraft. Pallbearers on SL side exit the aircraft first with the other pallbearers following with the SL falling in behind the pallbearers. Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG C-130 SL Command SL 1. Pallbearers march and move to either side. SL moves to opposite side of Colors. Chaplain departs and falls in behind the Command. Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG C-130 Command SL 1. SL gives command “Cordon Close Ranks.” Mortuary Affairs team closes doors on vehicle. Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew 1SG C-130 Command SL 1. Vehicle departs. SL gives the command to move the Soldiers to a new location. Other Personnel 17 16

CSH Air Crew CSM 1SG C-130 Command 1. 1SG gives command “Forward March” for remaining Soldiers and marches them off the flight line. Battalion Commander gives command for Command Group. Aircrew moves into aircraft and secures transfer case. BN CSM moves colors off the flight line. 2. Mortuary Affairs walks to the aircraft and has aircraft OIC sign form. SL Other Personnel 17 16

CSH C-130 1. Unit waits till aircraft departs. As aircraft leaves runway 1SG gives command “Present Arms.” Then “Order Arms.” Unit is then dismissed. If aircraft does not depart right away, Soldiers are released. Command 1SG SL CSM Other Personnel 17 16