RESULTS AND LESSONS Evaluation of Public administration developments in Hungary Zsuzsa Sötét Monitoring and Evaluation Departement Ministry for Innovation and Technology Bratislava 2018
Cohesion Policy in Hungary 2007-2013 Programs in numbers: 15 OPs 25 billion EUR budget 70 000 contracted projects Close to 2000 calls More than 50 major projects
Distribution of resources in 2007-2013 vs. 2014-2020
Evaluations 2007-2013 - ex post evaluations Carried out by independent evaluators in 2016 commissioned by the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office Aim: results and lessons to be used in the 2014-20 programming period
Public administration Electronic Administration Operational Program (EAOP) Improvement of public sevices; Enhancing operational efficiency State Reform Operational Program (SROP) Improvement of social impact Cost efficient use of social resources Client-centric public services
Developments of three segments SROP-EAOP Infrastructure Work-flows/ procedures Human resources and organizations
Scope of evaluations strategic context achieving objectives, indicators, horizontal principles financial progress reaching the target groups developmental results achieved the intended and unintended impact synergies, trainings, cost-efficiency Evalution reports made by Collectivo
Evaluation methods – Collecting information Document analysis Analysing data Surveys interviews, case studies Former evaluations OP Legal regulations Calls Annual reports Beneficiaries Evaluations Central management IT system 17 projects Stake-holders Client-surveys
Key Findings and Conclusions SROP Successful organisational developments at local government officies and central administration Training activities served development of the knowledge, skills, competencies of individuals Simplification of public administration procedures has started Good example for EAOP-SROP cooperation: network of one-stop offices Political commitment towards a long-term policy strategy and objectives was missing The targeting of training activities and simplification was poor Efficiency of simplification has not been measured The change of culture in public administration has not been achieved Lack of coordination between OP-s
Key Findings and Conclusions EAOP EAOP contributed to the modernization of public administration (infrastructure) A number of public administration procedures were partly or fully digitalized Users welcomed electronic public administration procedures The lack of system-level synergies between EAOP and SROP were tackled within the projects Lack of strategic background and policy commitment Low level of public awareness concerning electronic services (lack of targeted dissemination) Websites are incomprehensible and difficult to navigate Inter-operational functioning of public administration systems remained at a low level The lack of cost-efficiency and cost-benefit considerations (beyond administrative requirements)
Recommendations Strategic, legal, institutional stability Targeted design of training activities (comprehensive approach) Maximizing the advantages during process development, involving and motivating participants Preliminary needs analysis, user testing, target group specific dissemination Detailed planning of maintenance costs
General lessons for 2020+ programs Institutional memory must be maintained and further developed Start planning early Cooperation essential between planning – implementation – evaluation