Metro SPDES Permit - 3/2012 Significant changes: Metro 002 Bypass Total Residual Chlorine limit Implementation 4/1/2016 WET chronic testing MMP - goal to meet WQBEL 0.7 ng/L Source Trackdown - Phenol and Iron Meet WQBEL for Phenol and proposed guidance value for Iron
Metro SPDES Permit (cont.) Compliance Action for CSOs Includes AMP monitoring and significant reporting requirements RTF monitoring Permit to be modified again for post- TMDL phosphorus load allocations
Lake Monitoring Program – Sampling for the Future How should the monitoring program change now that goals have been achieved? County objective – Design 2013 monitoring for current needs
Lake Monitoring Program Some Suggestions….. Drop North Deep? Reduce Near Shore monitoring? Drop Lake Outlet? Drop Heavy metals? Drop Licor? Drop weekly Chlorophyll-a at South deep? Drop Winter Monitoring? Annual Macrophyte Aerial Survey? Other Ideas?????