Grant Implementation Start Up: Key Challenges and Tips on how to Accelerate: Experiences from Mauritius
PILS PILS SR for 3 years before becoming a PR in 2012 for the civil society for Mauritius 4 SRs in Mauritius Challenges on start of Grant Implementation Start Up: Selection of SRs Technical Assistance of PR and SRs Grant Absorption and Implementation
Sub Recipient (SR) Registered NGO Activities targeting principally KAPs (CSW, PID, PLWH, MSM, Transgender) Application, reviewed by CCM panel Selected SRs are assessed by PR before being confirmed on: M&E Financial Management System Program Management Capacity
Selection of SRs- Criteria
Technical Assessment Capacity of PRs and SRs Financial Aspect Monitoring and Evaluation Human Resources Good Governance Technical Assistance from GF, France Initiative (I5PC)
Grant Implementation: · Co-construct the implementation and the program with the SRS to ensure a correct adhesion to the program. . Quartely meeting with the SRs to ensure that targets are achieved and to solve programmatic issues
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