Teen Work and Go Volunteer Program A quick and easy way to have teens volunteer when they only have a few hours to complete
AZLA Virtual Webinar Blitz Session Why we created “Teen Work and Go” How does the program work? What about training front line staff and page staff Selecting special Projects and duties How to deal with issues How to evaluate the program
Why was this program created? When teens need to complete a few community service hours. Gives circulation staff the power to accept volunteers and schedule their hours Allows for after hour volunteers
Introducing a new program to staff: it’s a jungle out there! Opportunity to “grow” leadership skills on your team. Plan a training session to go over paperwork, scheduling, and training. Promote the positives of having extra hands to help out in the library. Communication and patience are key- volunteers are part of the team. Give input on each teen who volunteers Most important – Have fun!
Getting Teens Started! Figure out what your maximum hours are for your library. (ours is 25 hours). Easy sign up: complete application signed by parent Schedule teens when you have enough staff available to assist. Provide a start and end date to complete hours (some students have deadlines). Sit down with teen to decide on job duties, expectations, and plan to begin their training. Sign off when their hours are complete
Let’s Get to Work !! Decide on a job description which explains the what teens will be doing with basic training details. Some ideas for projects and duties : Circulation – sorting materials, shelving, cleaning, shelf maintenance, helping refill seed library Technical Services – opening boxes, process new materials, labeling, sorting donations, helping with recycling. Youth and Adult Services – assists with programming such as makerspace, reading programing, crafts and events.
Things to remember Work and Go Program information Job description Application Monthly Calendar to schedule hours Hourly log for teen to keep track of hours Completion letter/Letter of appreciation Support staff and encourage them to engage with teens
Dealing with issues Teen are evaluated periodically to assure correct training and job completions Staff will report any problems to Library Services Coordinator Counseling teens: Behaviors and work ethic Additional training and coaching. Have a procedure in place to give steps on how to handle any concerns.
Volunteer Appreciation Even though this type of volunteer program is geared for short term volunteers it is important to take time to show appreciation for all their help. Show your appreciation however it works best for your library team.
THANK YOU Jill Thomsen Library Services Coordinator Peoria Public Library 623-773-7566 Jill.Thomsen@peoriaaz.gov Lupe Portillo Library Specialist Peoria Public Library 623-773-7511 Lupe.Portillo@peoriaaz.gov