Fig. 4. Paclitaxel promotes the expression of invasive isoforms of MENA in the primary breast cancer microenvironment. Paclitaxel promotes the expression of invasive isoforms of MENA in the primary breast cancer microenvironment. (A to D) Gene expression of MENA or MENA isoforms (real-time RT-PCR) after RNA extraction from FFPE tumors. Gene expression of Pan-Mena (A), Mena11a (B), MenaCalc (C), and MenaINV (D) indicated. Mann-Whitney U test. NS, not significant. (E and F) Correlations of MenaCalc with TMEM and MenaINV gene expression with TMEM in the PyMT spontaneous (E) and HT17 xenograft (F) tumors. R2 = Pearson’s coefficient of determination; filled circles, control; open circles, paclitaxel. (G) MENAINV protein expression visualized by MENAINV IF and DAPI in PyMT spontaneous and HT17 xenograft tumors, treated with paclitaxel or vehicle control. Scale bar, 100 μm. (H) Quantification of the MENAINV-positive area (%) in tumors shown in (G). Mann-Whitney U test. (I) Correlation of MENAINV-positive area (%) with TMEM score in the PyMT spontaneous (top plot) and HT17 xenograft (bottom plot) models. R2 = Pearson’s coefficient of determination; filled circles, control; open circles, paclitaxel. George S. Karagiannis et al., Sci Transl Med 2017;9:eaan0026 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works