Psychopathology Tracking test 2 (24 marks)
Systematic desensitisation involves learning a new response to the phobic stimulus, what is this called? (1) What is reciprocal inhibition? (1) What are the 3 key features of systematic desensitisation? (1) Give one example of a relaxation technique that is taught to patients (1) Brosnan and Thorpe used systematic desensitisation to treat a group of technophobs – what did they find? (1) What does flooding involve? (1) Flooding has more positive economic implications than systematic desensitisation – True or False? (1) Fill in the gap: Kaplan and Tolin studied the long term effectiveness of flooding and found that ………% of patients showed no symptoms 4 years later. (1) According to the cognitive approach what causes depression? (1) What does the ABC stand for in Ellis’ model? (1)
Thinking that certain ideas or assumptions must be true in order for an individual to be happy – what does Ellis call this? (1) Beck suggested vulnerability towards negative cognitions (thoughts) is influenced by 3 components, name one of these. (1) In relation to depression, what is a cognitive bias? (1) ‘I didn’t do well on my Maths test which shows how bad I am at learning’ – This is an example of which cognitive bias? (1) The three aspects of the negative triad are..? (1) One of the strengths of the cognitive explanation of depression is that it is easy to establish a causal relationship between negative thoughts and depression – True or False? (1) In cognitive therapy, identifying automatic negative or irrational thoughts is often referred to as….? (1)
The central part of Ellis’ REBT is to identify and dispute irrational thoughts and beliefs. True or False? (1) What does empirical dispute involve? (1) Why might using drug therapy and CBT be more appropriate for someone with severe depression? (1)
Psychopathology - Answers to tracking test 2
Counter-conditioning We cannot be relaxed and afraid at the same time, one emotion prevents the other Gradual exposure, hierarchy, relaxation – (3 = 1 mark, 2=1/2 mark 1 = 0) Any one of the following: visualising a peaceful scene; focussing on a particular object; focus on breathing - taking slow, deep breaths; being mindful of the here and now, progressive muscle relaxation. Reduction in anxiety was 3 times greater for those who had systematic desensitisation compared to those who did not. Being bombarded with fearful object/situation True 65% Faulty/negative thinking 1 mark for all 3: Activating event, Belief, Consequence Mustabatory thinking One of the following: Negative triad, negative self-schemas, cognitive biases. Making overly negative or self-defeating interpretations of a situation. Overgeneralisation The self, the world and the future False Thought catching Asking the patient to provide proof that their thoughts or beliefs are true. Because, initially, they may not be able to motivate themselves