MC8; Applications of Accelerators, Technology Transfer and Industrial Applications Contributed talks 16-17 January 2019 NAPAC19 SPPC1 -MC8
MC8 has only 9 posters!!! MC2: MC4: MC5: Proposal of transfer from others MCs, where a clear application is seen, giving the possibility to populate MC8 and giving more room for MC2 and MC4 choices. MC2: 1963 SC e linac for radioisotope production -> MC8 2028 security application -> MC8 MC4: 2047 proton therapy -> MC8 2229 neutron imaging -> MC8 1910 compact ion therapy linac -> MC8 1885 BNCT application -> MC8 1883 BNCT application -> MC8 MC5: 2094 waste water treatment -> MC8
MC8 invited Accelerator-based Isotopes M. Garland (DOE) #1481 Medical acc. for challenging environments. D. Pistenmaa (ICEC) #1313 Accelerators for industry J. Thangaraj (FNAL) #1564
MC8 Counts: 9 proposal received after reassignment 18 for 8 slots Title ID 1st Pref 2nd Pref Total 8 Radioisotope Production Using Superconducting Electron Linacs (Niowave) 1986 7 1 Ultra-Compact Accelerator for Radioactive Isotope Sources Replacement, Security, NDT and Medical Applications (radiabeam) 1912 5 Mu*STAR: An Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Modular Reactor (Muons Inc) 2134 IAEA Activities in Support of the Accelerator-Based Research and Application (IAEA Vienna) 2078 4 3 Robust Thermoacoustic Range Verification for Pulsed Ion Beam Therapy (UWM) (female) 1941 High-Quality Resonators for Quantum Information Systems (euclid techlabs) 2115 Modeling and Evaluation Thermionic Energy Converters in the Space-Charge Limit (radiasoft LLC) 2177 2 Development of a 19Ne Source in Search of Chirality Flipping Interactions (CENPA) 1944 Python Application for RF Commissioning at FRIB 1953 High-Power Superconducting Electron Linacs for Commercial Applications (Niowave Inc) 1963 Conceptual Design of a Novel 10 MeV CW Electron Source (Radiabeam) 2028 Rapid Radio-Frequency Beam Energy Modulator for Proton Therapy (SLAC) 2047 Commissioning of an Accelerator-Driven High-Brightness Source for Fast Neutron Imaging (LLNL) 2229 6 High Gradient Negative Harmonic Structure for Compact Ion Therapy Linac (radiabeam) 1910 Obtaining a Proton Beam With 8.7 mA Current in a Vacuum Insulation Tandem Accelerator (BINP SB RAS) 1885 Obtaining 1.25 MV in a Vacuum Insulation Tandem Accelerator (BINP SB RAS ) 1883 Design and Construction of an Annular Emitter for Source Applications (UMD college park) 2094 Spectroscopic Correlations to Resistive Switching of Ion Beam Irradiated Films (Saurastra Univ) 1701