Kristey Mayer, Business Operations Specialist, VDSS CommonHelp Training Kristey Mayer, Business Operations Specialist, VDSS
What are your questions? What questions do you have about CommonHelp? Topics could include: Worker perspective Customer perspective How CommonHelp looks What CommonHelp information looks like in VaCMS Applications Changes Renewals Associating Your Account Uploading Documents
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents Customers have the ability to upload documents when they apply, report a change, and submit a renewal through CommonHelp LDSS will see the documents once they start processing the application/change/renewal This may assist in quicker processing and lessen the need for a Verification Checklist (VCL)
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents After a customer has completed all of the questions for the application/change/renewal, they reach the Finish & Submit section of the process. This is where they see the information to submit documents. No additional documentation of information is required at this time. However, if you have documents or information that you would like to add to your application at this time, you may upload them here. If you do not upload any documents, this will not impact your eligibility. We will use electronic sources to verify income data, including information from tax returns, if available, to make a decision on your application. If we are unable to use electronic data sources, we may ask you to send documents later. This section is for your convenience only. If you have already uploaded documents, a list of the documents you have already uploaded will appear in the "Documents You Have Already Uploaded" section. There is nothing on the application that tells a customer they have to upload documents, it is up to them to upload them at this time. Because per policy we are to use electronic sources first there may not be a need to upload documents, however in some circumstances the documents will assist in processing as the verifications are not available via electronic sources.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents The next section allows the customer to upload documents to submit. There are guidelines regarding the file format and size requirements for uploading.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents The Name dropdown is for any household member listed on the application/change/renewal. Please be sure to upload the document to the correct person and not all documents to the applicant name. However, if there is a document that will apply to all household members you can upload that to the applicant name.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents Most likely applicants for the grantee application population will upload Income, Medical Information, or Permanent Verifications/Identity. Example: Paystubs/employer statement under Income, hospital discharge paperwork under Medical Information, or Permanent Resident cards under Permanent Verifications/Identity. If there are multiple verifications for the same person, they should be uploaded separately. If you are unsure of which document type to use, use your best judgement. The worker has the ability to change the document type, and on the VaCMS side there are also document subtypes.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents After the customer selects the Name and Document Type, they click Choose File to select a file. After they have chosen their file it shows next to the Choose File button. They can then select Upload and add additional documents.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents If the customer does not fill out all fields the error message will show at the top of the screen after clicking “Submit” to show them what they need to do. All fields were left blank before hitting submit to show all of the possible error messages on one slide.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents Once the customer clicks Upload each document shows in the next section. They cannot view the document on this screen, nor within their profile. The customer does have the ability to remove documents. A good tip for customers is to tell them to name the files to give hints to the document type if they feel they may not remember all the different documents they are uploading.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents The customer can view the PDF after they submit the application to verify documents uploaded. This is also how the worker can see that documents were uploaded. All the uploaded documents for that application/change/renewal show in that section on the PDF. At each additional application they will need to upload the documents again.
CommonHelp – Uploading Documents When a worker is processing an application/change/renewal, they should be viewing the PDF to see if any documents have been uploaded. The worker will not be able to see the documents until they bring the application/change/renewal into Data Collection. Once in Data Collection, the worker will be able to view the documents in VaCMS. If the worker denies the application prior to bringing it into Data Collection the documents will not be saved. However once they enter into Data Collection they are able to save the documents to VaCMS so if they deny after Data Collection has started, the documents can be used for the client on other cases.
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