I am Big on Heart when I treat others the way I want to be treated. Treat others as you would like to be treated; be a role model Strive to Excel
Today we are learning to…. Speaking Kindly Treat others as we would like them to treat us. Using manners Sharing and taking turns Listening to others’ ideas What are we learning today?
It is important for us to learn this because……. We develop a sense of empathy and compassion for others while developing true authentic kindness. We improve our listening and communication skills while practicing the virtues of patience, respect and consideration for others. Why is it important for us to learn?
You will be successful when…… We always use manners. We listen respectfully to others’ ideas and opinions. We speak kindly to others. We share and take turns with our peers.
Treat others as you would like them to treat you This is known as the Golden Rule!
“GOLDEN RULE” help us make our school safe? When it comes to us controlling our own behaviour the golden rule is considered to be one of the most important rules of all. How does following the “GOLDEN RULE” help us make our school safe?
Using Manners “Others respond to us more when we use manners” It is important to have good manners because it demonstrates respect for self and others. It allows for better communication and shows awareness of the situation around you. It certainly is a great start to a relationship and demonstrates strength not weakness. (Gerald Richards, CEO, 2017 Asking politely to borrow others’ belongings. “Others respond to us more when we use manners” Do you agree or disagree with this statement????
Listening respectfully to others’ ideas and opinions. Listening allows you to learn new things about the world around you. Listening to others’ ideas and opinions helps us develop empathy and understand the people around us. What is EMPATHY? How do we show empathy for others at our school?
Sharing and taking turns Sharing teaches us about compromise and fairness. It helps us be part of something bigger then just ourselves. We all want people to play fairly and by the rules. Why do you think sharing is important?
Speak kindly to others. This is the Golden Rule!!! When we speak kindly to others we make them feel good about themselves and when others speak kindly to us we feel good about ourselves. This is the Golden Rule!!!
THE BROKEN RULE Many people think that the rule is – “Treat others how they treat you” How is this different to the ‘Golden Rule’? This rule is often called the Broken Rule…. It takes great strength to take ownership of our behaviour and make the right choices. Based on the teachings of Wilson McCaskill – Play is the Way® Vol 1
THE BROKEN RULE Agree/Disagree/Undecided Let’s Discuss: What do you think about the following statements?? When someone pushes me, it is ok to push back. If someone does not pick up their rubbish, I should do it for them. I should always be allowed to choose who I work with. It is impossible to be friendly with someone you don’t like. It is alright to me mean to people who you think are bullies If someone breaks your trust, you should never trust them again. Based on the teachings of Wilson McCaskill – Play is the Way® Vol 1
THE BROKEN RULE GOLDEN OR BROKEN Spot the Difference!! Write down what you think!! Share with a partner and the class If you hit me, I will hit you back If you have been mean, I will help you to be kind. Even if you put me down, will treat you with respect. If you are kind to me, I will be kind to you. If you hurt someone I like, I will hurt you. If you want to join into my game, you must do what I say. If you are being loud, I’ll ask you to be considerate to each others If we are best friends, we can still disagree with each other. Based on the teachings of Wilson McCaskill – Play is the Way® Vol 1
FAMOUS SAYINGS What do you think these mean? SAY WHAT?? Are these sayings still important today for us? An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind Turn the other cheek. You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist – Indira Ghandi You reap what you sow Which ones reflect the Broken Rule? Which ones do you think reflect the Golden Rule? Based on the teachings of Wilson McCaskill – Play is the Way® Vol 1
Let’s Work Together!! Compile a list of what you would like to see everyone doing to share on Parade. I wonder if we will all have the same ideas? You might be surprised…… At Biggenden State School we treat others the way we want to be treated when we….