2019 INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Meeting Regional Forum For Capacity Development | Partnering for Enhanced Capacity of All Role Players in PFM CAPA’s Strategic Focus on PFM Capacity Building 2019 INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Meeting 3 July 2019 – Tokyo, Japan Elaine Hong, Executive Director, Stakeholders and Strategy
33 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions About CAPA Conceived in 1957 Today, member PAOs represent almost 2 million accountants 33 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions The First Far East Conference of Accountants 1957 Manila, Philippines
accountancy profession Our Vision To be recognised as an inspirational leader for the accountancy profession in Asia Pacific
Our Mission To enhance the value of the accountancy profession in Asia Pacific by: Contributing to the development of Professional Accountancy Organisations (PAOs) Promoting ethical values and the benefits of high‐quality accounting, reporting and assurance Speaking out as a voice of the accountancy profession
Public Financial Management Areas of Focus PAO Development Public Financial Management Audit Ethics (NEW!) (NEW!)
PAO Development CAPA’s Maturity ModelTM and its guidance series
Our Approach Meetings Partnership and Collaboration Speaking Out Outreach Visits / Roundtables - Influencing decision makers Partnership and Collaboration Speaking Out - Thought Leadership - Advocacy (NEW!)
Public Sector Financial Management Committee (PSFMC) CAPA’S Strategic Focus on PFM : Capacity Building Public Sector Financial Management Committee (PSFMC) Publications Outreaches - Roundtables
EIGHT KEY ELEMENTS OF PFM SUCCESSTM Thought Leadership Publications EIGHT KEY ELEMENTS OF PFM SUCCESSTM - To create a comprehensive and coherent Public Financial Management (PFM) System
Element 4: Capacity and Capability “ATTRACTING AND RETAINING FINANCE PERSONNEL IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR” - Multifaceted 9 stakeholder approach to address challenge Human Resources Information and Communication Technology Systems Professional Accountancy Organisation (PAO) Leadership: Governing Body and Senior Management A B C D
Element 4: Capacity and Capability “ATTRACTING AND RETAINING FINANCE PERSONNEL IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR” - Multifaceted 9 stakeholder approach to address challenge
30 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions 7 key messages PAOs Engaging with the Public Sector Survey commissioned by CAPA 30 PAOs across 24 jurisdictions 7 key messages Significant improvements in PFM possible – PAOs could greatly assist through Influencing Demand and Providing Supply
Suggested Collaboration / Partnering Approach between SAIs and PAOs Strengthening PAOs just as important as strengthening SAIs PAOs and SAIs engagement : Two Way Traffic! 2-day Strategy Session - to identify opportunities and strategize Advocacy on “Independence Initiative” - > Public Interest Issue
Thank you www.capa.com.my elainehong@capa.com.my